
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

A Simple Woman's Daybook ~ 4/28/20

Looking out my window:

As I write this Monday evening, it is just starting to get dark outside.  I am LOVING the longer days.  The kids (Laken and Dex) are still outside playing which is awesome!

I am thinking:

I am thinking that whatever movie my husband was watching wasn't worth the time.

I am thankful:

I am thankful that the hubby turned the channel.  So stupid!  I think it was "Undercover Brother"...

One of my favorite things:

One of my favorite things is the feeling I get after exercising.  It feels so good to get it done and over with for the day!

I am creating:

I am creating another granny square blanket using the following colors in Redheart Ombre and white.  I decided not to use the gray on this one.

I joined the first row and fully intend to join the rows as I complete them.  I don't want to have to spend a whole day tying in ends and joining squares like I did on the last afghan I made.

Here is where I am at right now:

I am wearing:

I actually already changed into my pajamas.  After I get this post ready we're going to relax and binge watch FBI:  Most Wanted.

I am reading (read) /watching (watched) / listening to:

I'm reading "Love at Any Cost" by Julie Lessman.  I haven't enjoyed a book this much in a long time!  Click HERE to read a few lines from the book!

I am hoping:

I am hoping that Kaylee has a good first day at work on Wednesday!  She was hired quite a while ago but they stopped bringing in new people right after that due to the pandemic.  She got the call this evening that they've opened up to new hires and she will be starting work on second shift.  I'm a bit worried about her driving home in the dark so late at night but I have to let her grow up sometime.  I guess...

I am learning:

I am learning to enjoy cooking new recipes.  I've always enjoyed new baking recipes but lately I've been scouring our cookbooks for new supper ideas.

In my kitchen:

In my kitchen, one of the new recipes I tried was Ham and Hash Brown Casserole.  It was really good and will most likely be made again.  I think it would also be good with sausage for breakfast.  Click HERE for the recipe!

Shared Quote:

"Kind words are like hone--sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."

Proverbs 16:24 NLT

A moment from my day:

Laken decided that she wanted to dress up for dinner.  She wore a pretty pink dress and I was surprised how well the flowers in her headband matched it.  It was nice to see her out of her PJ's for once!

Have a Blessed Day!



  1. Hi Colletta. Congrats to your daughter on getting a job, and getting to work. I love your granny square afghan. I started making one years ago and then, as I recall, my mother-in-law said something kind of critical about it and I stopped. I should have kept going. That's the way my mother-in-law was. Oh well. Cute picture of your daughter. I am going to try your ham and hash brown casserole.

    1. Thanks! Let me know if you like the casserole :)

  2. Thanks for your post! I enjoyed my visit here. Good job on your granny square blanket. And...I ALWAYS change into my nightgown immediately after supper! :)

  3. It's tempting to wear PJs all day, but I went out into the yard today to do some garden work and it did feel good. Warmer today too. Happy knitting!

  4. Congrats on your daughters job and I love your Granny Square Blanket!


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