
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

A Simple Woman's Daybook ~ 3/25/20

Looking out my window:

It is dreary but at least it isn't raining like it did ALL day long yesterday!

I am thinking:

About the changes in lifestyle we've had to adapt to over the past few weeks.  Laken is off school for another 2 weeks (at least) and Kaylee started her online classes today that will last the rest of the semester.

I am thankful:

I am thankful for the time spent with family, even though we are starting to drive each other crazy!

One of my favorite things:

One of my favorite things is my birthday!  Most people my age don't like celebrating their birthday but I love it :)

I am creating:

I started a granny square afghan using colors that could go for either a male or a female.  I don't know that I've ever made an afghan without the token female colors of pink or purple!  Here are the colors I'm using.  If you have an idea for a name, let me hear it!

I am wearing:

I think I may be wearing the exact same clothes that I was wearing when I typed this post last week!  lol  Comfy pants and a 3/4 sleeve t-shirt.  I've added a sweater to the mix though as I was a bit chilly.

I am reading (read) /watching (watched) / listening to:

I'm still reading "Deadly Proof" by Rachel Dylan.  I've made a good size dent in it by reading for 30-60 minutes before bed to wind down.

I am hoping:

I am hoping that COVID-19 stays far away from my family.  So far, no one in our county has tested positive but it is closing in as I watch the map of PA be updated day by day.

I am learning:

I am learning to amuse myself by working on my hobbies each for a little bit at a time so I don't get bored with one hobby.  Some of my hobbies are blogging, reading, crocheting, TV, movies and more.

In my kitchen:

Sun:  Ham Pot Pie
Mon:  Pork Chops, Cheesy Potatoes
Tues:  Cheese Ravioli with Pepperoni
Wed:  Ham, Fried Potatoes
Thurs:  Turkey and the all the Fixings
Fri:  Chicken, Buttered Noodles
Sat:  Grilled Cheese, Soup

Shared Quote:

"By the seventh day God had finished His Work.  On the seventh day He rested from all His work.  God blessed the seventh day.  he made it a Holy Day because on that day He rested from His work, all the creating God had done.  This is the story of how it all started, of Heaven and Earth when they were created."

Genesis 2:2-4 MSG

A moment from my day:

Roses my hubby got me for my birthday :)

Have a Blessed Day!


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