
Thursday, January 9, 2020

Thankful Thursday ~ 1/9/20

Here are some things that made me smile this week:
~Little Women!  Laken and I went to see the new Little Women movie at the theater.  Little Women is one of my all time favorite books and I loved the older version of the movie.  This newer version comes in a close second but that might be because I'm partial to the older, more-to-the-book version.  This new movie has flashbacks and moves at a totally different pace.  I loved it :)

~Goodreads Challenge 2019!  I finished up the Goodreads Challenge 2019 on December 30, 2019 with 26 books read.  I was cutting it down to the wire!  For 2020, I'm once again setting my goal at 26 books but I've already read 2 books toward my goal and am "secretly" hoping to read 52 books this year:  1 a week :)

~Christmas Cleanup!  I love Christmastime, don't get me wrong, but when all the decoration are put away and everything cleaned up I truly feel like a New Year is upon us with all things clean and fresh :)

~Skipbo with the Hubby!  I was bored one evening during break and talked the hubby into playing Skipbo with me.  Just the two of us.  The first hand I dealt 30 cards and the hubby one ruthlessly!  The second hand I only dealt 10 cards and I won ruthlessly!  It was fun to spend some quality time :)

~Back at It!  I'm full speed ahead on my health, fitness and wellness goals.  I'm tracking my food and getting in the exercise.  Tuesday was so pretty that Kaylee and I went outside to walk.  It was still a bit chilly but the sun was shining and I was soaking in the Vitamin D!  When the weather doesn't permit a walk outside, I've been using the new-to-me treadmill that I got for $50 :)

What made you smile this week? 



  1. I cant believe I've never played Skipbo... I have it, just never learned to play it. Plus, the hubs isn't that much into games so I have to pull teeth to get him to play with me.
    I still have my tree up & getting to the point where I'm ready to get it down.

    1. We love to play all sorts of family games but Skipbo, Yahtzee and Disney Monopoly or Dogopoly are our favorites :)

  2. As much as I love Christmas and all the pretty decorations, like you, when they come down it seems like everything is clean and New Year has begun. I've never played Skipbo, sounds like fun, nice that you enjoyed the game and spending time with your hubby!

  3. I've never played Skipbo but we are having a get together with friends who we usually play games with. I am going to Google it. It sounds like a good game for us to try! I wish I could talk my hubby into playing games with me.

  4. I saw Little Women also and loved it!! I did a Good Reads Challenge but had set my goal way to high and didn't reach it. That being said, I really think I read some books that I forgot to add to the list, but even so, still didn't reach my goal. But I've put another goal for this year and it's for 24. I've completed 1 already and have started #2. I believe 24 is a realistic goal for me. Good luck with your goal!!

  5. My husband and I played Life on The Farm game the other night and it was such a nice evening for us. I enjoy board games and I was more than happy to play it as it is one of my favorites. I can't tell you the last time I played Skip Bo. I am hoping to see Little Women tomorrow with a friend.


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