
Thursday, January 2, 2020

Thankful Thursday ~ 1/2/20

Here are some things that made me smile this week:
~Happy New Year!  I'm so excited for 2020!  I always look forward to starting a fresh, new year.  If you're interested in reading my "10 Goals for 2020" click HERE :)

~A New Quilt!  The family and I went to the mall over Christmas break and found that Sears is having a "closing sale".  I discovered a King sized quilt in my favorite colors and it only cost me $8.47.  My hubby would tell you that I have too many quilts, but I couldn't pass it up for that price! :)

~Organized Bedroom!  I spent some time on last Saturday working in our bedroom, particularly my closet and book shelves.  We moved some things around and tried to make the room more functional and aesthetically pleasing.  It feels so good to have less clutter :)

~A Loss!  I was so excited to report that I had a loss on the scale after Christmas instead of a gain.  You can read more on my last Weekly Weigh In post :)

~New Agenda!  I was gifted a 2020 agenda for Christmas.  I already have an agenda that I use for my daily tasks so I decided to use my new agenda to keep track of "One Sentence A Day".  I'll be writing one or two (maybe three) sentences about each day.  I'll be posting my sentences on the blog at the end of each month.  Rebecca Jo at Knit By God's Hands hosts a monthly linkup where I'll be sharing.  I'm excited to try out this form of journaling!  :)

What made you smile this week? 



  1. Well, you are certainly a busy lady. I would have bought the quilt too. I have been looking for one and that is a great price. I am thankful that you found it. I am thankful for many things today!

    1. Yes, it was quite the steal! I'm thankful for YOU!

  2. So much excitment here!!! I am so happy you'll join in with me for the One Sentence a Day link up - it is the first Tuesday of every month - so be sure to add it in on January 7th :)
    & a new Agenda?? You know I'm loving that. You should also join me on that one on January 15 - I do it the 3rd Wednesday of every month :)
    See -a ll this is why we need planners in our lives :) LOL

  3. Awesome find for the quilt! Funny, though, our Sears has been closed for over a year, maybe 2 years. I thought they had shutdown nationwide at the same time. I guess some stores are still lingering.

    I love the feeling of being organized and removed of clutter. I am going to organize my office a bit today, as I want to get started on another photo project, so I need the "little piles" all over my work space to be removed.

  4. It feel so good to be decluttered and organized for once! lol

  5. I love her one sentence a day posts and I keep thinking I should do that, but I never seem to keep up. Maybe I'll try again this year.

    I can't believe you were able to get a quilt for that price. That is so awesome! And congrats on the loss!

  6. WoW, great price on your quilt...I mean that had "Buy Me" all over it!! Happy New Year.

  7. Hi Colletta! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. It's nice to meet you. Loved seeing what made you smile this week. It's always good to reflect on those things.
    Hope you have a lovely day.

  8. Hi Colletta. Thanks for your kind comment on my blog. I am now following you as well. I love your Thankful Thursday list. I will be stopping by to visit again soon!


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