
Saturday, January 4, 2020

Tackle My TBR 2020 Reading Challenge

I decided to join another TBR Challenge for 2020!  I'm going to tackle the "First Down: read 25-36 TBR books".

The following is from Kimberly Faye Reads:

The 2020 Tackle My TBR Reading Challenge runs January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020. You can join at any time, but the link-up closes on November 30.
  • The goal is to read at least ONE book from your TBR every month. It can be an ARC, ebook, audiobook or print – your choice. Any reading is good reading!
  • If one TBR book a month isn’t enough, set your goal higher! Do you think you can read five a month? Ten? Go big or go home! There are some goal levels below if that’s your thing.
  • You don’t have to be a blogger to participate. You can track your progress on Goodreads, Insta, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube… wherever you want!
  • Use #TackleMyTBR2020 on social media.
  • Feel free to use the banner graphic on your posts and/or social media.
  • Link up below to declare your intentions.
  • Tell your friends! [Shortlink:

Challenge Levels

Back again this year: challenge levels! (Unsurprising to anyone who knows me, they’re football-themed.) Pick a level, any level! (These are all based on a 1-5+ books per month average.)
  • Safety: read 12 TBR books
  • Blitz: read 13-24 TBR books
  • First Down: read 25-36 TBR books
  • Field Goal: read 37-48 TBR books
  • Hail Mary: read 49-60 TBR books
  • Touchdown: read 61+ TBR books
And because reviewing is so important, I’ve added a couple of bonus levels!
  • Extra Point: review half of the TBR books you read
  • Two-Point Conversion: review all the TBR books you read
Go check it out!



  1. Hi Colletta! I'm with you on this TBR Challenge! One book a month from my very formidable TBR pile. I am in two book clubs, so sometimes those selections are books I don't already own, but this month, one of my book club reads is a book I have had on my TRB shelf for at least two years - so score! It is a pretty good book too - The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom. Thanks for this challenge! See you again soon!

    1. I've definitely heard of The Kitchen House but haven't read it. I wish I lived near a book club! thanks for stopping by and I look forward to seeing you again soon as well :)

  2. This looks good. I'm signed up for 50 books for this year and need to get reading. Definitely need to move on my TBR pile.

    1. I set my goal for 26 books this year but am "secretly" having to read 1 a week for a total of 52! lol


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