
Monday, January 6, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 1/6/20

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

I'm putting together a Valentine Swap!  I'd love for you to join in the fun!  Click HERE for more information.


Welcome to the first edition of Happy Homemaker Monday for 2020!  (I just love typing that...2020, 2020, 2020, 2020...)

The weather outside is::::

It really hasn't been too bad for January in Pennsylvania.  We did get a skiff of snow last night with colder temperatures accompanying it.  I can't seem to get warm with anything other than my fuzzy pj's.
On my breakfast plate:

English Muffin, Eggs, Vanilla Chai Tea

As I look around the house::::

Everything is back in order, including the main part of the house.  All the Christmas decorations were loving put away on Saturday and replaced by the normal decorations.  I, for one, am a bit glad to get back to normal with decorations and a routine.

On today's to do list::::

The hubby and I went for groceries Saturday evening as our "date", lol!  I don't have to worry about that this week but I do want to sweep and mop the floors.
Happening this week::::
Devotions:  I've been loving using my book "Devotions from the Kitchen Table" as a starting point for my devotions.  I read the Bible then I read the devotional which has amazingly beautiful photographs throughout!

For the "Bad Girls of the Bible" study, we learned more about Rahab this week.  We're almost finished with this study book and are going to do "Really Bad Girls of the Bible" next.  I'm excited to get the new book!

WW:  MyWW Workshop was all about how to set goals for the New Year.  I didn't quite hit my weekly goal but it wasn't a gain so I wasn't heartbroken.  Time to really hit the treadmill and stay away from the snacks!

Exercise:  It was warm, but rainy here this week and now it is cold and snowy so I haven't been back outside for another walk.  I did, however, get on the treadmill.  I want to get into a better routine with the treadmill.

Housework:  I'm caught up on laundry and general housework.  I just want to do the floors as I mentioned above.

Doug:  The hubby was back to work for 2 days last week and I was missing him.  This week will be even worse with 10 hour days and a full week but he's on third shift (nights) so at least I'll be sleeping through most of it.  hehe.  Poor Douglas!  On another note:  he's counting down the weeks until trout season.  13 is the magic number :)

Kaylee:  Only 10 more days of Winter Break!  Yikes!  We'll be going to get Kaylee's books for the Spring 2020 Semester this week.  Either today or tomorrow.  She also wants to get some new notebooks.  I've passed on my love of paper to my babies :)

Laken:  Like the hubby, Laken had just 2 days of school last week and it seemed like a full week.  She said the first day seemed like FOREVER!   She's very dramatic!  This week she'll be having Science Olympiad practice though so she'll enjoy that.

Currently reading::::
Last week I finished reading "A Secret to Die For" by Lisa Harris.  I'll be posting the review tomorrow.

I'm currently reading "Fetching Sweetness" by Dana Mentink which I'm enjoying.
I'm not sure what I'll read next, other than it will probably be a historical novel.
 On the TV::::

We've been watching lots of Disney+ and also the NFL Playoffs!


Little Women

Listening to:

On the menu week::::
Monday -  Weiner Winks, Homemade French Fries in the air fryer!
Tuesday -  Ham, Mac-n-cheese
Wednesday -  Deer Steak, Baked Potatoes
Thursday  - Chinese, Rice
Friday -  Pork Chops, Au Gratin Potatoes
Saturday -  Pizza
Sunday - Potluck at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::
Still working on the Ombre Cozy Stripe Afghan at my leisure.  I'm still deciding if I want to join in with any of the new 2020 crochet-alongs or not.
Picture From the Camera
Bible Verse
 "If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to Myself, that where I am you may be also."
John 14:2 ESV


  1. What a cute post!!

    Formthe historical fiction book you want to read next, i do suggest the Coal River one which you commented on, over at my blog, so interesting that you live nearby coal mines?!

    I also recommend one I'm finishing now called The Tattoist of Aushwitz. It's based on true events.

  2. The cover of Fetching Sweetness is adorable - glad you're enjoying it. We'd hoped to see Little Women over the weekend, but didn't get there. Maybe this week...

    1. Little Women was really good! Hope you make it there! Thanks for stopping by :)

  3. There is still a week til my husband goes back to work, and a month til school starts again, I *might* miss them then ;)
    I need to mop my floors too.

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. It is hard to miss someone when they won't go away! lol

  4. I need to be more consistent about my exercise program in the new year. Weather permitting, I'll get to the health club at least three times a week. The football playoffs have be taking up a lot of my time too. Go Vikings! Come see my week here and Happy New Year!

    1. Since my Steelers are out of the running I don't know who I want to win except I know I don't want the Ravens (my hubby's team) to win!

  5. 2020 2020 2020...its so fun! I am doing that same pattern for my new temp afghan this year! The football playoffs... were making my hubs mad.. the teams he wanted to win didn't... oh well! Have a great week!

  6. We often go on "dates" to Sam's Club, LOL! Watched a bit of the playoffs here. Our team plays Sunday, hope being the favorite doesn't jinx the Chiefs. Be nice to see them make it a little farther than usual. Maybe 2020 will be their year :) Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. So glad we're not the only ones who go on practical "dates" :)

  7. I like your Monday post. Fun!

    I think I will check out your Valentine signup. I will be in Paris, but maybe I can send it off before I leave.

    Have a wonderful week!

    1. Ohhh! Paris! Have a good trip and thanks for joining in the Valentine Swap!

  8. Back on the threadmill, yep gotta do that for 2020. I agree it's a beautiful number, hoping for a beautiful year for you and yours.

  9. It's funny but our dates now that we're much older, also consist of food shopping, or going for drives, having a quick bite or walking around Lowe's hahaha

    We start back to school tomorrow. Yuck!

    Have a blessed week.

    1. Lowe's is one place I hate to go! We can never find what we need and end up walking around and around... lol Blessings to you and yours!

  10. Enjoyed reading your post this week and love the afghan! Hope your new year is off to a great start! Blessings! :)

    1. We're having a great 2020 so far. Blessings to you and yours!

  11. I'm running quite a bit behind visiting this week. Happy New Year! I enjoyed catching up on your HHM post. Have a great weekend.


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