
Monday, January 27, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 1/27/20

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

The weather outside is::::

The ice is finally melted from last weekend's ice storm.  We were supposed to get more ice this past Saturday but it was a bit warmer than expected so we got some heavy rains instead.  I would have hated to see how much snow it would have been if it had been cold enough for it.  I haven't looked at the weather for the coming week yet.

On my breakfast plate:

English Muffin with Peanut Butter

As I look around the house::::

Things are pretty much in order.  I do need to do something about the shoe storage situation.   Right now my shoes and the hubby's shoes are just in a pile.  Any ideas?

On today's to do list::::

Just the gym today.  We got groceries on Saturday afternoon so that is already marked off for the week :)

Happening this week::::

Devotions:  This week we finished up our Bad Girls of the Bible Study.  Next were jumping right into Really Bad Girls of the Bible by Liz Curtis Higgs.  What study are you doing at the moment?

WW:  We had a great Workshop on Saturday talking about tracking our food and activity.  I had a loss because I've been working my butt off exercising and tracking and being honest with my food intake.  Only 2.6 left to go before I get my 25lb charm!

Exercise:  I didn't realize how few steps I get in on a regular, non-exercise day until I got my "fitbit".  It has really helped me be more aware of my activity.  The hubby was on daylight (first shift) last week so we went to the gym three evenings.  I'm used to going in the morning and the evening is a completely different environment and vibe.  I prefer mornings!

Housework:  Pretty much normal this week.

Doug:  The hubby is on third shift (nights) this week.  We'll be going to the gym in Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings when he gets home from work before he goes to bed.  His back is much better!  Thanks for all the concern and well wishes in the comments :)

Kaylee:  Kaylee is immersed in her College work full force now especially with College Algebra and Sociology.  She's enjoying her Art Appreciation Class and hasn't really said much about Managerial Accounting yet.  Her online gym class is going well.

Laken:  This will be Laken's first full week of school in three weeks! She's going to be in shock!   :)  Science Olympiad practices are heating up with two practices and a test this week.  The test is to see who makes it into the actual Science Olympiad competition, so prayers are welcomed that she makes it!  She'll be heart broken if she doesn't.

Currently reading::::

I'm currently reading:

Next, I'll probably read either a historical fiction or a nonfiction.

 On the TV::::

FBI Most Wanted
Prodigal Son
Lincoln Rhyme


Maleficent #2

Listening to:

On the menu week::::

Monday -  Chicken with Gravy, Homemade waffles
Tuesday -  Cheese Ravioli
Wednesday -  Kielbasa, Cheesy Potatoes
Thursday  - Chinese (homemade)
Friday -  Chicken Spaghetti
Saturday -  Pizza
Sunday - Potluck at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::

Still working on the Ombre Cozy Stripe Afghan at my leisure.

I finished the item for the Valentine Swap and will be sending out the package this week.

I also made some boot cuffs for Laken at her request.

Picture From the Camera

Bible Verse

"A kindhearted woman gain honor, but ruthless men gain only wealth."

Proverbs 11:16 NIV


  1. I love these Happy Homemaker Monday posts. Good for you on your exercise and going to the gym. Your daughter is taking some pretty challenging classes in college. My son is also going to college, but only taking two classes this semester because he is also working a lot. Hope you have a very good week! See you again soon!

  2. Glad you got rain instead of ice/snow. We had a fair amount of snow at the end of the week around here. I was looking at a shoe shelf for my youngest son's closet, something like this: Or maybe a shoe basket? I'm about done with my Valentine's Day package as well :) Hope you have a great week!

  3. I love my Fitbit. Unfortunately, seeing a low number of steps hasn't encouraged me to get up and move. We haven't had any precip just gray skies. Come see me week here. Happy reading!

  4. Way to go on the weightloss!
    I'm looking into getting a shoe rack with a few shelves, because I'm currently having the same shoe problem you are.
    Have a great week :)

  5. Congrats on the weight loss. I do have a shoerack but still lots of shoes everywhere. I need a fitbit. Keeping my fingers crossed for your daughter. Have a great week

  6. Great job taking care of yourself with diet and exercise :) Our shoe storage is a closed closet. LOL But there are some really cute organizers out there!

  7. Great job with the diet and exercise! I need to get better about that. I did run today before the snow started. I hope you have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  8. My kids go back to school Thursday :)
    We each have a box in which are everyday shoes are piled, ‘good’ shoes are kept in the wardrobe but I’d love one of the shoe cupboards that keep them tidy and hidden.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  9. Ice storms are pretty, but they can do a lot of damage. Glad you got rain instead of more ice. Your menus look good and congratulations on the weight-loss! That's great!!! Blessings for a great rest of the week! :)

  10. Your menu looks so yummy! And now I think tonight, I am going to make waffles fro dinner!!! Have a great week!

  11. It looks like you had a good week. I made homemade pizza for the first time. I found a 2 ingredient dough so it was easier than when my mom made homemade pizzas when I lived at home. See what I read at Girl Who Reads


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