
Sunday, December 22, 2019

Valentine Swap ~ Sign Ups ~ Ends 1/18/20

(Image found on google.)
If you're like me, when Christmas is over I can get kind of bummed out if I don't have something to look forward to.  I just participated in a Christmas Swap and it was so much fun.  (Thanks Carol and Patti!)
So I was thinking...What about a Valentine Swap????
I realize Valentine's Day is a while away but I wanted to get this posted and give everyone time to sign up.  I debated waiting until after Christmas to post this sign up but I wanted to have it posted for those with some extra blog reading time over the holidays.
That being said, I would love to have some folks who would be willing to send a package worth around $10 to another swapper.
If you're interested, please send an email to and include the following information:
~Blog (not necessary)
Sign Ups will end on January 18, 2020 and packages MUST be sent out by February 3, 2020.
Come join in and have some fun!
EDITED TO ADD on 12/30/19:
The swap is a go!  I have at least 3 people signed up so far.  We'd love to have some more participants!


  1. This is such a cute idea! Thanks for sharing! Enjoy the swapping!


  2. This sounds like lots of fun! I am off to email you!

  3. This sounds like great fun! I will be emailing you.

  4. Stopping by from Booknificent. This sounds like such fun and I'd love to join but as I'm overseas during this timeframe, I'll have to sit this one out. Enjoy the swap and Happy New Year!

  5. This looks like fun. Count me in.


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