
Thursday, December 26, 2019

Thankful Thursday ~ 12/26/19

Here are some things that made me smile this week:
~Christ!  I read through the Book of Luke during December and thoroughly enjoyed myself.  It definitely helped me to remember the real "reason for the season".  The Messiah was born in a lowly stable to grow up and die for the forgiveness of my sins.  I couldn't be more thankful!  Merry Christmas, everyone!  :)

~Candyland!  Laken decided to make up candy bags for her school friends.  That meant a trip to Candyland.  Do you have a Candyland near you?  If not, it is row upon row of bulk candies of all types.  It was fun to dig my hands into the candy and then watch Laken as she divvied it up into gift bags.  I'm so glad that she has made so many good friends at her new-ish school :)

~Christmas Books!  I've been in a fiction slump for months but decided to get a Love Inspired Suspense Christmas book at Wal-Mart to read.  I think I found my love for fiction again!  The hubby and I stopped at Goodwill to kill some time one day this week and I found 2 more Love Inspired Christmas books for $0.99 each!  I'm enjoying my Christmassy reading time :)

~Christmas Caroling!  Our Church always goes Christmas Caroling the Sunday evening before Christmas.  This year was no different.  I thought it was going to be warmer this year as it was in the 40F's when we left our house.  Nope!  We froze our noses and toes just about off!  We had so much fun walking around the neighborhood near the Church and then going back to the Church to have Hot Chocolate and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches.  Oh, and don't forget the cookies!  :)

~Frozen 2!  Everyone had the entire week off for Christmas Vacation.  We decided to take advantage of the Monday Special a our local theater to go see Frozen 2!  I have to say that I think I enjoyed it more than the original movie.  Just a bit.  I may do a review sometime soon :)

What made you smile this week? 



  1. We don’t have Candyland, but we do have similar stores. I have to stay away ...

    1. It is a dangerous place to take the girls, I'll grant you that! lol

  2. I've been reading the Love Inspired Christmas books too. I get them for my Kindle from the Library through the Libby App. They are so fun to read and remind me of the Christmas Hallmark movies.

    1. yes, they do remind me of Hallmark Movies. I often think, "This book would make a great movie!" Thanks for stopping by :)

  3. I think I'll do the Luke thing every Christmas now - love it!

    1. Me, too! I really enjoyed my reading time this December.


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