
Thursday, December 12, 2019

Thankful Thursday ~ 12/12/19

Here are some things that made me smile this week:
~Oranges and Cookies!  The hubby told me that when he was young they always got oranges at Christmas.  We have mandarin oranges on a regular basis but he doesn't like them so when I went to the grocery store I bought him some naval oranges as a surprise.  I also made a cookie that he requested:  Reese's Pieces Cookies!  They are super yummy :)

~Disney+ !  The hubby also decided that for his Christmas present he wanted a PS4.  The PS4 also comes with the Disney+ App.  As a surprise for the family, I went online and purchased a subscription for the Disney+!  The first thing I watched was The Sound of Music but the hubby and girls have been watching Star Wars Rebels :)

~Winter 2020 Project #1!  I finally decided to use the yarn that I bought for my first Winter Project to make a Granny Square Afghan for my daughter's boyfriend's Mom.  Her name is Linda so I'm calling it "Linda's Prayer Blanket".  I'm not sure if I'll have it done in time for Christmas but I'm giving it a go :)

~Christmas Tree(s)!  We put a tiny table top tree up in the Family Room for the girls to put their ornaments on.  It is so cute!  We also went out to a tree farm on the top of a mountain to get the real Christmas Tree for downstairs.  It was freezing and muddy and snowing and so much fun :)

~Harvester's Christmas Party!  Tuesday evening we had our Church Ladies Group (the Harvester Class) Christmas Party.  Each month on the second Tuesday we have a potluck, devotion and meeting.  However, in December, we treat ourselves to a meal out and exchange gifts.  This year we picked a steak house to make reservations for our party.  The food was good.  The company was good. And did I mention presents?!?!?   :)

What made you smile this week? 



  1. So many good things to be thankful for. I have 2 mandarin oranges in my lunch for today.

  2. I will sometimes just keep The Sound of Music playing in the background :)


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