
Monday, December 30, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 12/30/19

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

I'm putting together a Valentine Swap!  I'd love for you to join in the fun!  Click HERE for more information.


Today is the last HHM of 2019!  I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and pray that you will be blessed greatly in 2020!

The weather outside is::::

The weather has been very mild.  Beautiful, really.  We had some snow before Christmas but it has all melted with the temperatures being in the 50F's the last few days.
On my breakfast plate:

English Muffin, Eggs, Vanilla Chai Tea

As I look around the house::::

We've rearranged the Bedroom and Family Room over the last week.  It was a lot of work and decluttering but well worth it.  We're letting the Christmas Tree up until after the 1st per Laken's request.  She is one for traditions,

On today's to do list::::

I'll be going for groceries today to avoid the New Year's Eve rush at the grocery store.  We're also planning on going to see the new Star Wars movie at the theater.  The hubby is super excited :)
Happening this week::::
Devotions:  I finished reading the Book of Luke well before Christmas so I cracked upon my new devotional, "Devotions from the Kitchen Table".  Each day has a key verse so I'm reading the entire chapter of the key verse and then reading the devotional.  I'm loving it so far!

For the "Bad Girls of the Bible" study, we learned more about Delilah this week.  Some take-aways:  1.  The love of a man is to be treasured and not taken for granted.  Prov 31:11 ; 2.  Do not take jabs at his self-worth.  Prov 14:1  ;  3.  Money does not keep you safe and loved.  Prov 22:1 ;  4.  Weaknesses must be turned into strengths.  2 Cor 12:10.

WW:  I missed two weigh in due to unforeseen circumstances but got back to my Workshop this Saturday.  I was seriously worried that I would have gained 5-10 lbs over the holidays.  Imagine my surprise when I stepped on the scale and had a loss!

Exercise:  It has been so gorgeous outside that I wanted to get out of the house and go for walks.  How long until Spring?

Housework:  I'm caught up on laundry and general housework.  I also cleaned out my closet area and organized.  I think I have just about everything organized now!  So exciting :)

Doug:  The hubby has been on vacation since 12/23 and won't go back to work until this Thursday.  I believe he'll be on 1st shift (7-3) for the two days he'll be working this week.  He's been working swing shift for 18+ years so we're pretty used to his schedule changing each week.

Kaylee:  Kaylee has been relaxing and preparing for the Spring 2020 Semester of college.  We'll be going to purchase her textbooks sometime next week.  Her first day back isn't until 1/15/20.  She's enjoying every minute off!

Laken:  Laken goes back to school on Thursday so we'll be getting back into somewhat of a routine.  We finally convinced her Daddy and I are Santa.  So, that was a pretty big thing this year.  I think she knew but was afraid if she admitted it that she would get less presents!  That girl!

Currently reading::::

 On the TV::::

I caught up on all my Fall shows and we've been watching lots of Disney+.


Hobb's and Shaw


Listening to:

On the menu week::::

Monday -  Chicken Spaghetti
Tuesday -  Shrimp 
Wednesday -  Pork & Sauerkraut
Thursday  - Leftovers
Friday -  Pizza
Saturday -  Homemade Waffles, Bacon, Eggs
Sunday - Potluck at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::
I'm working on a Cozy Stripe afghan using up the RH Ombre yarn that I had from my past two project.  I haven't decided who to gift it to yet.
Picture From the Camera

Bible Verse
 "For thus the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel has said, "In repentance and rest you shall be saved, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you were not willing."
Isaiah 30:15 NASB


  1. I think I could stand to watch Aquaman again. LOL We don't have any cable tv - just Netflix, Amazon and whatever we rent from Redbox (or already bought the DVDs). I'm wondering if my eight-year-old will make it through next Christmas still believing in Santa...

    1. We have cable but this time of year nothing much is on TV. I didn't mind re-watching Aquaman either ;)

  2. Sounds like you had a great Christmas. Come see my week here. Happy reading and happy new year!

    1. This was one of the best Christmases we've had in a while :) Off to visit your week!

  3. My college kid is off until sometime around Jan 15 as well. My high school kid has until the 6th (I'm surprised your daughter has to go back on Thursday, seems soon). LOL at her not wanting to tell you about Santa, everyone knows you get socks and underwear if you admit he's not real ;) Pondering that Valentine Swap, sounds fun. Thank you for setting up something so fun (and my pen pal info via regular mail, loved that!). Hope you have a great week and a very Happy New Year!

    1. I hope you join in the Valentine Swap! It will be fun! I'm glad you got your penpal info :)

  4. I've read a bunch over the holidays and now I have eye strain so I'm ending 2019 with a Marvel movie marathon. I'm going over to my neighbor's tonight to watch Avengers Infinity Wars and I checkout Thor 2 & 3 from the library (The first one is on Amazon Prime). I also picked up Black Panther. And in case I get tired of Marvel I pick up the second Fantastical Beasts movie. See what I've been reading at GIrl Who Reads

    1. We received quite a few movies from Santa for Christmas so we've been working our way through them. Enjoy your movie watching time until you're able to read again! I'll be by to see what you've been reading :)

  5. Ombre yarn sounds good, I'm making my way through and ombre fabric quilt, one day I will finish it. Great that your weather has been mild and makes you feel like getting outside.

    1. I've quilted in the past but it can get quite expensive so I've been sticking to yarn lately. Our weather has been beautiful but we are getting some flurries right now :)

  6. I absolutely loved stopping by! It was like visiting an old friend! The weather here in Nc has been spring like as well! Reading you talking about your kids and school makes me miss our homeschool days! You have my interest peaked about the bad girls of the Bible study! I am going to have to check it out! Praying you have a very Happy New Year! I also look forward to the valentine exchange! Be back again soon!

    1. I'm so glad you signed up for the Valentine Swap! It will be so much fun :)

  7. I enjoyed reading your post today! And congratulations on the weigh in surprise. Have a WONDERFUL new year!

    1. Thanks so much! I hope you have a WONDERFUL New Year as well :)


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