
Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Book Review ~ Holiday Homecoming Secrets by Lynette Eason


Title:  Holiday Homecoming Secrets by Lynette Eason
Series:  Love Inspired Suspense
Pages:  224
Date Published:  December 1, 2019
Publisher:  Love Inspired Books

A man from her past is back—

to help her solve a holiday murder case.

A friend is missing and presumed dead, and detective Jade Hollis is determined to track down the killer. To do that she must team up with private investigator Bryce Kingsley—who doesn’t know he is the father of her child. But she’ll have to put personal secrets aside because the killer will strike again to keep the truth from being exposed.

My Thoughts:
Years ago, I had a subscription to Love Inspired Books but I haven't read one in years!
I recently felt the urge to read some Christmassy books so when I was at Wal-Mart I checked out the newest releases for a book that grabbed my attention.  I couldn't believe my luck when there was a book written by Lynette Eason, one of my favorite suspense authors.  So, I snatched up "Holiday Homecoming Secrets".
From the "blurb", I knew that there would be many facets to the storyline.  I wasn't wrong!
I had an inkling of who the "killer" might have been early on in the story but couldn't quite figure out the why.  It turned out I was completely wrong about the motive but I was very impressed with myself that I didn't flip to the back of the book to see if I was on the right track with my suspicions.  I let the story unfold as the author intended :)
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this Love Inspired Suspense novel and have a few more on my TBR Shelf that are also Christmas books that I picked up at Goodwill of all places!
I'm excited about fiction again!
Onto the next book!


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