
Thursday, November 7, 2019

Thankful Thursday ~ 11/7/19

Here are some things that made me smile this week:
~November!  Happy November everyone!  I always get so excited to turn the calendar to a fresh new month :)

~Eric and Erica!  My best friend from High School is Erica and her husband (ironically) is Eric.  I haven't seen Erica in a long time...sadly.  However, this week alone I saw her twice!  It makes me happy to catch up with old friends.  I truly need to give her a call and get together to spend some quality time :)
~Snow!  It was only a few flurries Friday morning at the bus stop but I'm claiming it as my "first snow" of the season :)

~Ladies Fall Gathering!  One of our local Churches hosted a Ladies Fall Gathering Friday evening.  It was so much fun to get together with our Christian ladies and eat, play games and have devotional time :)

~Kaylee's Spring Classes!  Kaylee wanted me to go along with her to schedule her classes for Spring 2020.  She is officially now enrolled as an Accounting student and has a class load of 13 credits for the Spring.  She is thrilled to be taking an Art class.  I just wish she were able to major in something artistic.  It is her passion but she doesn't think it is practical.  I'm just glad she is on track and ready for Spring :)



  1. So many things to be thankful for.

  2. I love any event that gets Christian sisters together :)
    we're supposed to get flurries tonight. I'll take those. When it sticks is when I dont like it :)

  3. Luncheons are awesome! Looks like you have tons o things to be grateful - we are definitely blessed people!


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