
Thursday, November 14, 2019

Thankful Thursday ~ 11/14/19

Here are some things that made me smile this week:
~My Mom's Birthday!  Today is my Mom's birthday.  I won't tell you how old she is even though I doubt she'd care!  She's not one to bemoan getting older.  We'll be celebrating her birthday this weekend as she came down with the flu yesterday and isn't feeling quite the thing yet.  Happy Birthday, MOM! :)

~Aunt Mary and the Girls!  My Aunt Mary and my cousins, Heather and Nikki, are flying up from Florida tomorrow for a long weekend visit!  We don't get to see them nearly as often as we'd like.  I'm really looking forward to spending some good quality time with them :)

~A Beautiful Fall Walk!  Before winter hit on Tuesday (lol), the weather was beautifully Fall-like.  Monday was gorgeous and I decided to get my tennis shoes on and go for a walk.  It was wonderful.  The sun was shining and the leaves were blowing (I like to crunch them under me feet!).  I was soaking it in because I knew we were to get a cold snap.  And we did (are) :)

~Criss Cross Messy Bun Beanie!  I found a new pattern on Ravelry for a Messy Bun Beanie that I am loving.  The pattern is from and she allows the items made to be sold.  I've been crocheting away with different colors and adding them to my Etsy Shop .  I love how it works up  :)

~The Art of Racing in the Rain!  We rented this movie from the Redbox and I absolutely LOVED it!  I laughed and cried and cried some more.  If you haven't seen it, you should.  I actually wrote a Movie Review on Tuesday.  You should check it out :)



  1. Happy birthday to your mom! Great that you still have her with you. Have a wonderful visit with Aunt Mary and the girls. Thanks for linking up today.

  2. I love messy bun hats! I'm all about top knotting this mess!
    Happy Birthday to your momma!!!!

  3. Happy Birthday to your Mother! I hope she has a beautiful week! Can't wait to see that movie!


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