
Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Movie Review ~ The Art of Racing in the Rain ~ RECOMMENDED!!!

I don't often write Movie Reviews but I couldn't let this movie go by unrecommended!

"The Art of Racing in the Rain" may be the best movie I've seen all year!  Here's the trailer for your viewing pleasure:

The hubby has been working a lot of over-time and I knew he'd just want to relax Saturday night so I picked up the movie at our local Redbox to have a nice quiet Family Movie Night.  I was very excited to see "Racing in the Rain" as an option!  I quickly snatched it up.

I really can't recommend this movie enough.  I laughed and cried.  I cried a lot actually...  My family thought I was over-reacting but I think I saw some other misty eyes.

It was so odd, but the entire time the movie was on our Chocolate Lab, Kona, kept coming up to me and putting her head on my leg.  Her sweetness probably made the movie even better for me.

I was very pleased with the how clean this movie was.  I think it is rated PG and it was definitely family friendly.

There was some custody drama toward the later part of the movie which could be confusing or maybe hit a little too close to home for some.  I just wanted to mention this in case you are going through anything similar or have littles who wouldn't understand.

So, definitely grab this movie if you see it out and about!  I may even buy it.  I loved it that much!

Let me know if you've seen the movie and what you thought.  If you haven't seen it yet, do you think you will?


1 comment:

  1. I would love to see it! I'm going to look for it to rent! Thanks!


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