
Monday, November 11, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 11/11/19

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.
The weather outside is::::

Where has the Fall weather gone?  And why is it Winter already?
We had snow flurries all day Friday and it is supposed to be 17F Tuesday night!

On my breakfast plate:

English Muffin, Eggs, Vanilla Chai Tea

As I look around the house::::

I see dog hair everywhere!  I really must sweep the floors today...

On today's to do list::::

Sweep the above-mentioned floors, make a menu and grocery list, exercise.  The kids are off School for Veteran's Day so I'll be refereeing them a bit also.

Happening this week::::
Devotions:  I've been reading in Mark.  The Ladies' Bible Study Class is also going to start working through "Bad Girls of the Bible" by Liz Curtis Higgs.  We'll be starting off with Eve.

WW:  I knew I had to face the music and weigh-in on Saturday morning.  I also knew I was going to have a gain and I was right :(  Come back on Wednesday for my Weekly Weigh In for more details.

Exercise:  I'm getting a treadmill!  And an exercise bike!  A lady the hubby works with is selling her gently used treadmill and bike to us for $100.  Can't beat that!  Now we just need to rearrange the Family Room so they can fit.

Housework:  The above-mentioned rearrangement of the Family Room.  It needs a good cleaning/sorting anyway.  I'm also behind on changing the bedding so I need to get that done also.

Bills:  I need to sit down to budget the next 2 weeks and write out the bills for this pay period.

Doug:  The hubby has been working, working, working lately.  Lots of overtime.  It will come in handy right before Christmas :)

Kaylee:  Kaylee is all set up for the Spring 2020 Semester.  She's only got 4 weeks left in this semester then a well-deserved break :)

Laken:  Laken has been bitten by the reading bug!  She's reading the "Heroes of Olympus" series by Rick Riordan.  She's already read the Percy Jackson series.  She's been spending all her spare time reading or watching Hallmark movies :)

Currently reading::::
You can read my review of "The Super Mom Myth" HERE!
I'm still reading "Taming the To-Do List" by Glynnis Whitwer but don't know if I'll get it finished in time to review for tomorrow.
Up next on my reading list is:
 On the TV::::

Home & Family
All the NCIS's
All Rise
Buff City Law
New Amsterdam


The Art of Racing in the Rain
(This was an amazing movie!)

Listening to:

On the menu this week::::
Monday -  Pork Chops, Alfredo Noodle
Tuesday - Ham, Baked Potatoes
Wednesday -  Baked Rotini, Garlic Bread
Thursday  - Ham Pot Pie
Friday -  Applebee's
Saturday -  Veteran's Dinner (hosted and served at our Church)
Sunday - Potluck at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::
I've been working on Criss Cross Messy Bun Beanies to add to Colletta's Kitchen Sink Shop.   Right now I'm working on one in "Flamenco Stripe".  Here is a picture of Laken wearing a beanie with bow in Plum.
Picture From the Camera
I rearranged my desk area and now have a working printer!

"Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!  Your workmanship is marvelous--how well I know it."
Psalm 139:14 NLT


  1. Sounds like you have a busy week planned. I am sorry to hear that you had a gain, but I know you are working hard and I hope that the exercise equipment helps.

  2. I'm on WW too. Everyone's all discombobulated with the new program changes! I need the book Taming the To-Do List and to get rid of clutter, also, but spend too much time on meal prep and tracking my food on the WW app! ;)

  3. Rescue, beautiful song! Vanilla Chai tea...yum! Have a great week!

  4. Enjoyed reading this week's post. I just got a new printer myself a while back and a working printer is so much better than a not-working printer by far! I subscribed to the never-run-out of ink thing through HP, too, and what a blessing that is! It. is. WONDERFUL! Blessings for a great rest of the week! <3

  5. Late visit this week. The Super Mom book sounds interesting. Hope you've had a great week.


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