
Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Book Review ~ The Super Mom Myth by Becky Kopitzke


Title:  The Super Mom Myth by Becky Kopitzke
Series:  N/A
Pages:  217
Date Published:  December 1, 2015
Publisher:  Shiloh Run Press

"This book isn't about raising kids. It's about raising Moms. . ." says author, speaker, blogger, lunch packer, and sidewalk chalk artist Becky Kopitzke.
In a Pinterest-perfect culture, you've likely sensed an accelerated pressure to measure up. Then you either weigh yourself down with guilt or become resigned--desensitized, even--to this so-called failure. 
The Supermom Myth--with humor and grace, yet all the while maintaining a firm grasp on reality--aims to empower you to become the mom God created you to be. With 8 chapters, each personifying a "dirty villain" of motherhood, including The Grouch on the Couch (Anger), Worry Woman (Fear), and The Calendar Queen (Busyness), Kopitzke offers a gentle reminder to rest in the super power of our grace-filled God.      

My Thoughts:
 Finally!  A book review!  I has been FOREVER!
I gave up trying to finish a fiction book and headed to my nonfiction shelf where I picked out "The Super Mom Myth" to give it a try and get me out of my reading slump.
It worked!  I actually finished a book!
I loved reading about the "Dirty Villains" of motherhood and could identify with most, if not all, of them.
I loved the author's writing style and flew through the book.  I even looked up other books by Kopitzke and ordered one which I can't wait to receive and read!
The book is full of Scripture.  One of my favorites was:
"Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from Him."  Psalm 127:3
There were so many quotes that I would have liked to share but I would have had to rewrite the whole book in this review.  I really can't pick out a favorite so I'll leave you with the last few lines:
"Because I'm a mom; therefore, I matter.  AND SO DO YOU.
This was a great read for all the mothers out there no matter what age your children are!
I do have to mention that I did have some issue with the "Sinner's Prayer" in the book.  Please click HERE to see the Biblical Way of Salvation!

P.S.  I'd love for you to stop by my shop:  Colletta's Kitchen Sink Shop!

1 comment:

  1. I might get this for my daughter for Christmas and then I can read it was well. It sounds as though the book is full of wonderful advice.


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