
Thursday, October 31, 2019

Thankful Thursday ~ 10/31/19

Here are some things that made me smile this week:
~Sleepovers!  Last Friday night the hubby had to work; Laken stayed the night with her cousins; and Kaylee decided to spend the night at her uncle and aunt's house.  Put that all together and I had a nice, quiet evening to myself with just the dogs :)

~Lion King!  We rented the new version of Lion King from the Redbox Saturday and had a Family Movie Night.  I might like to have time to myself every once in a while, but I do enjoy having the whole family together, also :)

~Nonfiction November!  I decided to join in with the reading event "Nonfiction November".  If you'd like to check out what books I'm going to read, click HERE.  :)

~Yarn Chicken!  Have you ever played Yarn Chicken?  For those who aren't familiar with the term, it is when you only have a tiny bit of yarn left and are trying to finish a project without having to buy more.  Well, I played Yarn Chicken with Medium Thyme (sage green) in an Outdoorsy/Woodsy Baby Blanket I'm making for my Shop.  Here's how much I had left :)

~Last Rose of Summer!  My Dad went outside yesterday afternoon and came in with the last roses of summer from the rose bush that was a starter from my Grandmother's rose garden.  It was dark and dreary outside and the rose really brightened the day :)

 What are you thankful for?  What made you smile today?



  1. I am thankful for my family most of all above the love that Christ gives us and my salvation.

  2. Good to know that Lion King remake is worth seeing.
    Always on the look out for family fun.

  3. I can not wait to see Lion King!!!! Glad it is good - I will be making time for that soon!

  4. I took a look at your book list, looks like some interesting reads. I don't read as much as I used to, but I still enjoy a good book now and then. I don't have any small children at my house, even my grands are grown, I would still like to see the new Lion King!

  5. Wow! That was really close on the yarn. I'm in the process of trying to use some of my yarn left-overs. I'm making some toboggans.

  6. How did I not know that there was a name for that - Yarn Chicken - HAHAHA!!! Too funny - I just did a washcloth with that same thinking & I held my breath on those last few stitches.


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