
Thursday, October 24, 2019

Thankful Thursday ~ 10/24/19

Here are some things that made me thankful or smile this week:
~Laken's last Volleyball Game!  For the season, anyway.  I mentioned last week that the season was ending and she had one final game on Monday.  The team had a pizza party yesterday after school and WE'RE DONE!  Quiet evenings:  Here we come!  :)

~School Picture Day!  This made me smile because I remember the days when Laken didn't care a bit about how she looked, even for school pictures!  Well, this year was a completely different matter!  She got up early.  She picked out 5 different outfits before deciding on what to wear.  She wanted me to smooth her hair.  She fussed that her hair was too fluffy.  She was a mess the entire morning getting ready for school.  I have to say that I was glad when the bus pulled away with her on it!  :)

~Apple Cake!  I blame my Mom.  She made an Apple Cake with Caramel Icing and it was delicious!  Being that I'm doing WW and trying to lose weight, I did my best to stay away from the cake but I did have a few pieces over a couple days.  Hey, it DID have apples!  That's a fruit! :)

~Kaylee and Shawn's "Anniversary"!  Can you believe that Kaylee and Shawn have been dating for 4 YEARS!?!?  She was only 14 years old and him 15 years old when they got together over sheet music in Band Class.  Isn't that sweet?  For their "Anniversary", they went to Applebee's and then came back to the house and watched a movie.  I can honestly say that I just LOVE Shawn to pieces.  His parents did such a good job raising him and I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend for Kaylee :)

~Fabric Shopping!  I wanted to add some seasonal aprons to my Etsy shop ( ) so the hubby took me fabric shopping!  It isn't really his "thing' but he knows how much I love playing with pretty fabrics (yarns, too) and creating items for my shop.  He's so supportive of everything I do.  I guess I could have titled this item "Wonderful Hubby!"  :)

 What are you thankful for or made you smile today?



  1. Your list of things to be thankful for are very real things for any mother of a teen girl. LOL! I am thankful that we had a nice weekend camping and that I am to take care of my grand doll. She is really sick at the moment and I am glad that she is able to be with us instead of having to sent her someplace else.

  2. Also, I am thankful that my daughter and I are going to be working on our Etsy shop that we started this week and I am heading to yours now.

  3. How fun! I love seasonal aprons. I'm always looking at them at Hobby Lobby!
    isnt it a blesing to have a good person date your kiddos!
    Thanks for linking up with me today!

  4. Have fun with your new fabric. My hubby will take me yarn shopping whenever I want. In fact, he often asks me when we are out and about if I want to go get some yarn. I love that.

  5. Always nice when the daughter has a boyfriend that you like :) Thanks for linking up and have a great weekend.

  6. Seasonal aprons, what a great idea. I love shopping for material, it's so easy to overbuy. I have 3 grown daughters and 3 grown granddaughters, so I think I understand all things about girls!! It's good she has a nice boyfriend.


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