
Thursday, October 10, 2019

Thankful Thursday ~ 10/10/19

~Homecoming!  We had our town's Homecoming celebration on Saturday.  It was a great time of fellowship and fun :)

~Home & Family!  I've discovered the daily show "Home & Family" on Hallmark.  I think I've become addicted!  I usually crochet while I watch it or just have it on in the background. Baking, DIY, puppies and great guests...what more could you want from a show?

~Antibiotics!  I wasn't feeling well this past weekend.  I even missed Church on Sunday morning.  Thankfully my dr. sent in a prescription for me to treat my ailments and I'm feeling much better.

~An Etsy sale!  I've been working on adding items to my Etsy shop and I finally had a sale on Wednesday!  Yoohoo!  So far I have baby blankets, aprons and prayer shawls listed.  If you want to check out my shop go to .

~Fall!  I love this Fall weather :)

What are you thankful for today?



  1. I enjoyed your answers. I'm not sure I've seen that show on Hallmark, but I can't wait for the Christmas movies coming up soon. Have a great day.

  2. I record Home & Family every single day!!!

  3. Hello!
    Thank you for the tip about the show.
    I think I have heard of it mentioned before.
    I must check it out!
    Beautiful fall weather here in Pennsylvania!

  4. Glad you are feeling better. Here in KY, the fall weather has us fall sneezing and choked up :( Thanks for linking up today.

  5. I'll check on that Hallmark show...sounds good! Enjoy your week! I'm off to look in your shop!

  6. I didn't get the link to work but I'll try again later!


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