
Monday, October 14, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 10/14/19

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.
The weather outside is::::

Wonderfully Fall-like!  I love it :)

On my breakfast plate:

English Muffin

As I look around the house::::

I have a basket of laundry to fold and a whole pile of folded clothes to hang up in my closet.  For some reason, this is something I procrastinate about.

I also need to change the bedding.  How often do you change YOUR bedding???

On today's to do list::::

The girls are both off school today so I'm hoping to spend a Girl's Day with them.  I'm not sure what we're going to do but I don't waste the day doing nothing.  Then again, nothing sounds kinda good!

Happening this week::::
Devotions:  I've been doing a devotional called "From God's Word to a Woman's Heart" by Janice Thompson.  I'm really enjoying it.

WW:  I lost 20.4 lbs so far on WW.  I've been doing the Freestyle Program for about 2.5 months.  I'm hoping to get to at least 30-40 lbs lost by the end of the year.

Exercise:  I must.  I must.  I must increase my exercise!  My plan is to go to Planet Fitness 3 times a week.  Now to implement the plan...

Housework:  I need to make a menu and grocery list for my grocery shopping excursion tomorrow.  I'm back to doing my grocery shopping on Tuesdays.  Tuesdays work for me better than Monday.  Monday is just too hectic with coming off the weekend.

Bills:  Thursday is Bill Day (aka pay day).  I'll need to fill out our budget and then write bills.  I'll need to make stops at the bank and the post office also.

Doug:  Doug put in for a new position at his company and got it!  He is now a "TPO" (whatever that means, something "production operator")  He may be going back to swing shift but we're not sure at this point...

Kaylee:  Kaylee's Fall Break is today and tomorrow.  She really needs it.  She is adjusting well to College but has a ton of work to do each day and even on the weekends.  As I mentioned above, I'd like to do something fun today.

Laken:  This is Laken's last week of Volleyball.  It really is bittersweet.  I love watching the girls play but the running in the evenings is getting wearisome.  We'll have a break for the winter and then she has to decide if she'll be playing softball this Spring.

Currently reading::::
Right now, I'm stuck.  I've just gotten in a bit of a reading rut and haven't been taking the time to pick up a book.  My current read is "Gunpowder Tea" but I think I may go to the next book and come back to this one.
 Up next is (maybe sooner rather than later...)  I've read the first three books of this series and really want to finish the series out.  Hopefully it hooks me!

 On the TV::::

Home & Family
All the NCIS's
All Rise
Buff City Law

Listening to:

Sirius XM The Message
Sirius XM The Highway
On the menu this week::::
Monday -  Ham, Fried Potatoes
Tuesday - Harvester's Meeting Potluck
Wednesday -  Sausage Gravy, Biscuits
Thursday  -OUT
Friday -  SOS, Mashed Potatoes
Saturday -  Breakfast for Dinner
Sunday - Potluck at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::
I've been crocheting, crocheting and crocheting lately.  I've been adding items to my Etsy Shop.  The link is in case you want to stop by.  I have baby blankets, apron and some prayer shawls listed so far.  Here are some shawls I made this week.  I can make it in any color and am currently working on a Think Pink Prayer Shawl.  It should be done very soon!

Picture From the Camera
 Nothing this week.

"We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ."
1 Thessalonians 1:3 NIV


  1. Sounds like life if keeping you busy. Sometimes reading doesn't fit in very well. Congratulations on your weight loss. I know how hard it is to make time to reach fitness goals too. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  2. I change my bedding every Monday :)

    I see you have SOS on your menu, it's one of our most loved meals around here.

    Hope you have a fantastic week!

  3. Way to go on your Weight Watchers journey! Once a week bedding changes here. Thanks for the reminder, I need to pick up English Muffins next time I go to the store! Have a great week and thanks for stopping by.

  4. I like both of your authors this week.
    Good job with your Weight Watchers. I was dieting for 10 days with success bu t then we took our family on a weekend cruise. I'll weigh myself tomorrow morning to determine the damage.
    I enjoy folding the laundry because I listen to my Kindle or audio while I do that task!
    I try to change bedding Saturday mornings but (to be honest) sometimes it gets missed to the next week.
    I love SOS as my hubby makes it. He is our cook and a good one.
    Have a good week!
    Your prayer shawls are lovely.

  5. My laundry is folded but needs to be put away. My weekly update

  6. Your blankets are beautiful! Congrats on your weight loss! I enjoyed stopping by! Hope you have a blessed week!

  7. I don't change the bedding, but do wash is once a week. Love the prayer shawls! Have a great week!

  8. My goal is to wash the bedding once a week but sometimes life happens. Hope you had a fun girl's day yesterday and a wonderful rest of your week!

  9. I'm loving your crochet items, the colors in particular speak to me. We have SOS at this time of year a lot too - sounds good. Have a great week.

  10. Congratulations on your weight loss! I definitely encourage you to pursue the exercise - it is worth it! Regular exercise has transformed how I look and feel. We change our beds at least once a week. Your prayer shawl looks beautiful. Thank you for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Link Party, Coletta!

  11. Hi, I am visiting from the Wise Woman link-up. I think I have visited your blog in the past, but I have been on a blog break for over a year and have just returned.

    Congratulations to your husband on his new position. Hope it's all he wants it to be.

    Kudos to you on your weight loss! I am on WW too! Started about a month ago and have lost 11.4 pounds in that time. I really like the Freestyle program.

    Patti @ This Beautiful Life.

  12. Sheets, every other week when I am on the ball! Sounds like you have a full week, hope you had a great girls day!

  13. As you can see, I'm running a week behind. Congratulations on the weight-loss! That's great! I so badly need to get started on something, but just haven't had the inclination. Your post has encouraged me. Blessings for a great week ahead!


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