
Saturday, October 12, 2019

Fall Into Reading Challenge 2019 ~ Check In ~ Week 6
I'm so excited to be hosting the

It will run from September 1st - November 30th

The Challenge is super simple and there is still time to join in:

Here's the Sign-up post !

Here's the Landing Page where you can see the participant's!

You can read about my goal HERE!

Each week, on Saturday, I'll have a Check In post where we can link up any reviews written about our Fall Into Reading 2019 books.  You can leave a link to your Check In post or you can also stop by just to say "Hey!" and let us know how you're doing with the Challenge.  We're even going to have prizes and giveaways!

My Check In:

People.  I am doing horribly with this challenge!  I am going through a reading funk and just not taking the time to pick up a book.  I'm still on "Gunpowder Tea" but I'm thinking of picking up another book and then coming back to this one in the future.

My goal WAS 10 books but I think I might have to back that down to 5.  I'll see what happens in the next few weeks.

Hopefully the next book I pick up will hook me!

I can't wait to read everyone's Check In Posts and Reviews!
Remember, it isn't too late to join the challenge!  We still have plenty of Fall left :)
Happy Reading!


1 comment:

  1. My goal was 10 books as well. I’ve read 5. The current book is taking longer than I anticipated. Life happens.


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