
Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Weekly Weigh In ~ Week 6 ~ WW Freestyle

I'm sorry I didn't post more about my journey last week.  It was just a bad week and the small gain I had topped it off.  This week was still very stressful as we had a death the family and emotions were running high.

Somehow I managed to get some walks in and even though I ate every single point available, I still had a loss.  I was shocked!  I walked into my Workshop (which I almost skipped) fully expecting at least a 3 lb gain.  Imagine my surprise when the scale read that I lost 1.6 lbs for the week!

I had even had chocolate cake, people!  Yes, homemade chocolate cake with chocolate icing.  But I tracked every point.  And guess what?  It worked!

I mentioned that I got some walks in.  It has been so beautiful outside lately that I've been wanting to walk outside.  I get my exercise in and it clears my head at the same time :)  Win-win!

I did knock down my FitPoint Goal from 52 to 40.  The reason I did this is it has been a real struggle to get the 52 FitPoints.  I decided to decrease the goal to 40 so that I can reasonably reach my goal by walking 1 hr / 5 days per week.  I'll see how this goes for a few weeks.  I can always go back in my WW settings and increase the goal number if I decide 40 is too low.

I also mentioned that I almost didn't go to my Workshop.  I really didn't want to go.  I "knew" I had a gain.  I had a funeral to attend later that day.  And I just was waffling on what to do.  I asked the WW Challenge Squad Fackbook group what they would do and the overwhelming answer was to attend the workshop.  Not only for the weigh-in but for the encouragement and accountability.  I'm so glad I went!


On to the weigh in:

Starting Weight ~ 7/27/19 ~ 290.8 lbs

Last Week's Weight ~ 8/24/19 ~ 280.6 lbs

This Week's Weight ~ 8/31/19 ~ 279.0 lbs

This Week's Total:  -1.6 lbs

Grand Total: -11.8 lbs

BTW, my WW Challenge Squad goal of losing 3% of my body weight in the month of August was a success!  My goal was to lose 8.8lbs in August and I lost 11.8 lbs.  3 whole pounds above goal!

I'll be weighing in on Saturdays and posting my results on Wednesday.  If you'd like to join in on the journey, I'd love to have some weight loss friends! 


P.S.  I'd love for you to join the Fall Into Reading Challenge!

1 comment:

  1. 11 lbs in the month of August!! That is FANTASTIC!!! I thought about joining a facebook group, but I really don't do well on facebook for some reason. I really need to get involved in some weight loss buddies here on blogger! I'm weighing in this week on my failure on my old blog, instead of the weight loss blog. It's here: I hope you will follow! I'll check back with you this week!! Thanks so much for sharing, it encourages more than you know!


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