
Sunday, September 8, 2019

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? ~ 9/9/19
It's Monday!  What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date.  It is a place to share what you've read, what you are reading and what you are about to read.
 In Life
Saturday our family celebrated the wedding of my cousin, Brian, and his gorgeous bride, Rachel!  Brian and Rachel's wedding was absolutely beautiful and the reception was a blast!  Just what our family needed.  We needed a joyous occasion after all the heartbreak of the Summer.  It was a great way to usher in the new season :)
I took Laken to a new hairstylist and had 5-6 inches cut from her hair.  It was so long that morning were getting to be a struggle just to get the brush through her hair.  Corinne (our new stylist) did a wonderful job and even took the time to straighten Laken's hair.  I can't wait for my appt!  I made it for September 26th to have a bit more growth for her to work with but I don't know if I can stand my shagginess that long!  I may move my appt. up to this week.
Kaylee completed her 3rd week of college and is now considering a new focus on Accounting.  She is REALLY enjoying her Business Accounting class and is thinking of switching her major from Business Management to Business Accounting.  I'm glad she is discovering this interest early in her college career and not waiting for a few semesters and needless classes to pass by.
I'm counting down the days to mine and the hubby's 19th Anniversary on the 17th of this month!  I'm as much in love with him as I was 19 years ago and can't wait for our date night!
Onto the books!
What I Read Last Week:
This was the first book in the Westward Winds Series by Amanda Cabot.  The review for this book will post Tuesday!

What I'm Reading Now:

I like to alternate historical and contemporary reads.

What's Up Next?:

The next book in the Westward Winds Series by Amanda Cabot is "Waiting for Spring".  I look forward to reading more of Charlotte's story.


Last Week's Posts:

~It's Monday!  What Are You Reading?
~Review:  The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck by Bethany Turner
~Weekly Weigh In - Week 6
~Books from the Backlog
~First Lines Friday and 56
~Fall Into Reading Challenge - Check In #1 ~ Giveaway
~Scripture Memory Verse


P.S.  I hope you'll come join in the Fall Into Reading Challenge!

Also linking up to the following:


  1. I love weddings! They are such happy, joyous occasions - plus dancing!

    Congrats on your upcoming anniversary!

  2. I'm so happy the wedding was a joyous occasion after such a difficult summer. I love getting together for weddings and new babies. They are great times.

    I hope the new hairdresser pleases you with your new style. That reminds me to call mine soon.

    It's great to alternate genres, I think. A nice way to read.

    Have a wonderful week.

  3. Weddings are such wonderful events!

    My hair had gotten too long so I chopped about three inches off it last weekend. Having thick curly hair and a simple style means it easy to do it myself, I haven’t been to a hairdresser in about 20 years. LOL

    Have a great reading week, and happy Anniversary 🥂

  4. Anyone who enjoys accounting should definitely pursue that. ;)

    Happy new beginnings!

  5. Happy upcoming anniversary! Come see my week here. Happy reading!


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