
Monday, September 23, 2019

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? ~ 9/23/19
It's Monday!  What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date.  It is a place to share what you've read, what you are reading and what you are about to read.
 In Life
 Life busy again this week.
Laken's Volleyball has kept us hopping.  She has 3 games this week, tonight's being the annual Pink Out Game to benefit Breast Cancer Awareness.
Kaylee has been very busy with College work.  I don't remember having so much homework when I was in College.  And so much of it is done on the computer and I'm not even talking about online classes.  She's taking 5 classes this semester.  I just hope she can keep up.  She is doing well so far!
The hubby and I had our 19th Anniversary on September 17th.  I can't believe it has been 19 years since we said "I do"!  I got married when I was 22, so I've been married almost half of my life.  CRAZY!!!
Onto the books!
What I Read Last Week:
 I had a couple starts and stops with a few books, but I didn't finish any this week :(

What I'm Reading Now:

I started reading this book and it has promise.  Hopefully, I'll stick with this one :)

What's Up Next?:
Next will probably be "Gunpowder Tea" by Margaret Brownley.  I've read the other books in the series and this, the 3rd book, looks like a lot of fun!

What are you reading? 

P.S.  I hope you'll come join in the Fall Into Reading Challenge!

Also linking up to the following:


  1. I think it's better to finish nothing than to finish books that you are not enjoying. Hopefully this week will go better for you.

    I remember having lots and lots of homework in college. We had no computers back then, so everything had to be looked up and written down and typed up on a typewriter. It was ridiculous how much work we had to do. Good luck to your daughter.

    I've been married for 41 years, and I married at 21, so I've been married (almost) twice as long as I was at home. It's an odd feeling, I think.

    Have a good week!

  2. I remember having a lot of reading to do in college and lots of papers. Of course, I attended pre-computers. Typewriters and carbon paper for me. Good luck to your daughter. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  3. I went to college in the days of typewriters and carbon paper. Younger daughter took notes on her laptop and downloaded textbooks to her Kindle app. the world has certainly changed.

    Still reading "the President Is Missing".


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