
Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Weekly Weigh In ~ Week 4 ~ WW Freestyle

My goal for August is to lose 3% of my starting weight which is 8.8 lbs.  I've lost 11 lbs so far in August!  That's right!  11 lbs in 3 weeks!  Whoohoo!

My Daily Smart Points stayed the same for this week at 31 points.  I'm learning how to plan out my meals for the day and stay within my points.  The great thing about WW is that I can eat ANYTHING I want--in moderation.  I don't have to deprive myself of pizza.  I just have to budget my eating for the day around that 1 or 2 slices I want to eat.

My Fit Point goal is still set to 52 points.  Once again, I squeezed by my goal by 1 Fit Point for a total of 53.  I've mainly been sticking to cardio dance and aerobics.  I was looking around on youtube for some exercise videos and found a ton of old school classics:  Leslie Sansone, Denise Austin, Gilad....etc.  I like varying my exercise routine so that I don't get sick and tired of the same thing all the time, which I do very quickly.


On to the weigh in:

Starting Weight ~ 7/27/19 ~ 290.8 lbs

Last Week's Weight ~ 8/10/19 ~ 281.2 lbs

This Week's Weight ~ 8/17/19 ~ 279.8 lbs

This Week's Total:  -1.4 lbs

Grand Total: -11.0 lbs

I was excited to get my 10 lbs charm at my WW workshop.  My next mini-goal is 275.0 lbs.

I'll be weighing in on Saturdays and posting my results on Wednesday.  If you'd like to join in on the journey, I'd love to have some weight loss friends! 


P.S.  I'd love for you to join the Fall Into Reading Challenge!


  1. YAHOOOO - what a way to start off!!!

    1. I'm excited! But at the same time scared that I'm going to lose momentum...

  2. Eek! Congrats on the weigh loss! I have considered rejoining weight watchers too, but we just can't afford it at this time. But I'm still planning to join you on weekly weigh ins on Saturdays, since that's the easiest for me! I started a new blog (and blogged about why lol) if you would like to follow. Its been a hard season but I'm ready to get my head back in the game! I'm excited for you, that's a LOT in three weeks!!!!! Keep up the momentum!!!

    1. Thanks! I'm really excited about the loss. I'll be by to visit!

  3. I love the old school workouts like Denise Austin and Leslie! I was just telling my girlfriend (who joined WW last week) that I love how the program really has been teaching me healthy eating and how to splurge. I love that option of saving up my points for something I really want so I don't feel deprived at all (OK, hardly ever).

    1. I'm still in the beginning stages (4 weeks in) so I've been afraid of "splurging". I also get really nervous a few days before weigh in! :)


  4. Way to go! I really need to get serious about losing some weight.


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