
Monday, August 12, 2019

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? ~ 8/12/19
It's Monday!  What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date.  It is a place to share what you've read, what you are reading and what you are about to read.
This is officially the last week of Summer Break.  My oldest daughter starts College next Monday and my youngest daughter starts 7th grade next Wednesday!  I'm not the type of parent who counts down the days until the kids go back to school.  I enjoy having them home with me.  We've been slowly working on getting back into a "school-time" schedule.  Earlier to bed and earlier to rise and all that jazz.
What about you?  How do you feel now that Summer is winding down?
What I Read Last Week:
What I'm Reading Now:
Digging in to "A Lady Unrivaled" and loving it!
What's Up Next?:

"Shadows of the Past" is the first book in the Logan Point Series.  I love me a good romantic suspense :)

Last Week's Posts:

~Weekly Weigh In - Week 1
~Review:  Keturah by Lisa T. Bergren
~Weekly Weigh In - Week 2
~Books from the Backlog
~First Lines Friday and 56

 Also linking up to the following:


  1. Hello!
    I am currently reading Her First Mistake by Sandie Jones.
    She is a new author for me, so I hope I enjoy it.
    I am also reading teacher manuals in preparation for homeschooling next month!
    Happy Back to School!

  2. I like romantic suspense too. Since I retired, the back to school mania passes me by. I don't miss that time of my life at all. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  3. Ah, back to school time! Exciting! Not a big deal at our house these days, though our youngest starts his senior year of college in 2 weeks, so that's a milestone!

    Looks like some good reading and a nice variety last week for you.

    Enjoy your books this week -


    2019 Big Book Summer Challenge

  4. I'm a little bummed about summer haha. My daughters are getting older too and with both in high school now I know we're getting to that point where they'll be going off to college soon too. The time flies.

    Hope your reads are good this week. :)

  5. We are about mid-way through our summer hols here - the children don't go back to school until the first week in September. And the milestone this year is that I shan't be returning to college as a Creative Writing tutor... I normally am starting work on next term's course notes about now - no more!

    Thank you for swinging by - and like you, I love a good wedding, proably even more now than when I was younger. Your books look fun - have a lovely reading week:).

  6. A Lady Unrivaled looks really good. Enjoy!!

  7. I love romantic suspense too. I can't believe how fast the summer is going. I do enjoy the summer months. Have a great week!

  8. Being on the teaching end, I'm always a little sad to see the end of summer. We get out late, so I still have two weeks left and the kids still have three.

    Enjoy this last free week with your girls.

  9. I hope you enjoy your last week of summer break with your kids. I hope their school year gets off to a good start, and I hope you enjoy your current reads! I enjoy romantic suspense too. Have a great week!

  10. Our girls are going back on Aug 26. This summer has flown by.

    Great books this week. Hope you enjoy them all.


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