
Thursday, June 13, 2019

Thankful Thursday ~ 6/13/19

~Kaylee's 18th Birthday!  I absolutely cannot believe that I have a child who is turning 18 years old today.  I'm not old enough, am I?  I mean, I distinctly remember turning 18 myself just a few years ago!  Happy Birthday, Baby Girl!

~School is out!  Laken successfully navigated her first year of middle school at a new school with all A's and B's.  So proud of her!  I get just as excited as the kids do when the end of the school year rolls around.  Time for sleeping in and hanging out with the family!

~Laken's last softball game!  We've enjoyed softball season but I have to admit that I'm kinda glad that her last game of the year is tonight.  It just happens to be a double-header!

~Church Camp Meeting!  It starts off Sunday with a picnic and then lasts all week.  The kids all get to stay in the dorms so it will be a bit quiet at home.  I am a bit jealous of the campfires and smores...

~Kaylee's College Classes!  She's registered and scheduled for classes that will start August 19th!  We been jumping through all the necessary hoops for registration and funding but at last, I think everything is ready for Orientation!  whohooo! 

What are you thankful for today?


P.S.  I hope you can stop by my ETSY SHOP!


  1. Hello, Happy birthday to your daughter! The campfire and picnics sounds like fun.
    Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend ahead!

  2. The time really does fly by! Now I have grandkids that age! Happy Birthday to your daughter! Have fun this summer! Off to see your shop! Hugs!

  3. I remember that rather bitter sweet day our daughter turned 18. It was the beginning of a whole new phase of life for us all!! That is life!

  4. We just navigated college orientation ourselves. Whew...what a day it was! lol I know you must be glad school is out for a bit. Thanks for linking up.


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