
Monday, June 24, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 6/24/19

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.
I was MIA from blogland last week as we were busy with Church Camp Meeting.  The girls had a ball with the youth program (Kaylee is now a helper!).  It was a great time of refreshing but I'm so glad to be able to stay home some this week :)
The weather outside is::::

This weekend was gorgeous after having a full week of rain!
We're supposed to have more rain today but the temperatures are going to much warmer and in line with summertime.

On my breakfast plate:

Granola Bar

As I look around the house::::

I got all caught up on the neglected housework I had due to Camp Meeting.  The floors are swept, the laundry washed and put away and the grass is freshly cut.  It feels good.

On today's to do list::::

Kaylee's "Admitted Student Day" at college.
Happening this week::::
Monday.... See above.
Tuesday...  Devotions, exercise, Schedule, Cheer Camp
Wednesday... Devotions, exercise, laundry
Thursday... Devotions, Exercise, Bills, Bank, Post Office
Friday...  Devotions, Exercise, Floors, Bedding
Saturday...  Day trip to Lake Tobias with the family :)
Sunday...  Church, Devotions, Exercise

Currently reading::::
I'm oh-so-close to being done with "A Lasting Impression" by Tamera Alexander and am loving it so far.  I didn't get much reading done last week but I did find some time to read this weekend.  I'm hoping to have a review on Tuesday but I don't want to make any promises!

 On the TV::::

The Upside
Pirates Baseball

Listening to:

Sirius XM The Message
Sirius XM The Highway
On the menu this week::::

Monday - Chicken, Mac Salad
Tuesday - Pork Chops, Mashed Potatoes
Wednesday - Stuffed Cabbage - "Pigs in the Blanket"
Thursday - Beef Stew and Biscuits
Friday -  Pizza
Saturday - Eating Out - Lake Tobias Day Trip
Sunday - Picnic at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::

I finished the "Cat-in-the-Hat" inspired baby blanket and will be adding it to my Etsy Shop soon.

I love these colors together!

Next on the hook is a baby blanket for a lady at Church who is having a baby girl sometime within the next two weeks.  I'd love to have the blanket done by next Sunday.  I'll let you know how I do and have pictures next week.
Picture From the Camera
 I have a ton of pictures from Kaylee's 18th Birthday Party but they are on my phone and I can't figure out how to get those pictures into my blog :(  But, we had a great time!


P.S.  I hope you can come by and visit my ETSY SHOP!


  1. I love that blanket and those colors! I am thankful that you had a nice camp week. I am heading to your Etsy shop now.

  2. We had a gorgeous weekend too... and alas the rain is back! I love, love, LOVE that pretty!! Have a great Monday!

  3. That baby blanket is just gorgeous! Those colors are amazing together and I love the scallops. I think it's been a weekend for catching up on housework, that's what we did here, manage to get it all done by Saturday night so we could go swimming Sunday at a local state park.

    Have a wonderful week!

  4. I enjoyed catching up with your post. The colors on that baby blanket are very refreshing. I hope you have a great week.

  5. Glad you enjoyed your camp - always nice to come back to our routine too. Great menu - have a great week

  6. Your book looks great, love the cover. As I love the crochet. Perfection. I haven't done any crochet for years but you tempt me!

  7. Hi there! That blanket is absolutely adorable!! I love those colors too 😊 I bet your shop does great!
    Glad that camp went well. I hope you have a blessed rest of your week. ❤️


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