
Monday, May 20, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 5/20/19

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.
May has been such a busy month!  I'm looking forward to the holiday weekend and a slower month of June!
The weather outside is::::


I actually had to ask the hubby to put the AC on :)

On my breakfast plate:


As I look around the house::::

I had a nice Saturday at home to get the housework done but the Family Room is still a bit trashed as Kaylee has been camped out on the couch after having her wisdom teeth out.

On today's to do list::::

Menu/Grocery List
Cheer Practice
Chorus Concert

Happening this week::::
Monday.... Devotions, exercise, menu/grocery list, Cheer Practice, Chorus Concert.
Tuesday...  Devotions, Groceries, exercise, Schedule, Softball Game.
Wednesday... Devotions, exercise, Laundry, Floors, Cheer Practice, Prayer Meeting.
Thursday... Devotions, Exercise, Budget, Laken's Field Trip.
Friday...  Devotions, Exercise,
Saturday...  Devotions, Exercise, Laundry, Family Night
Sunday...  Church, Devotions, Exercise

Currently reading::::
I picked out a book to try to get back into a reading routine.  It is a book I had on my shelf and is a non-fiction called "Beauty Begins".

 On the TV::::

Chrisley Knows Best (Hilarious!)

Pirates Baseball

Listening to:

Sirius XM The Message
Sirius XM The Highway

On the menu this week::::

Monday - Fish, French Fries
Tuesday - Ladies Meeting Potluck
Wednesday - Toasted Cheese, Tomato Soup
Thursday - Bacon, mac-n-cheese
Friday -  Porkchops, Mashed Potatoes
Saturday - Leftovers
Sunday - Dinner at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::

I'm working on another baby blanket in the Beautiful Shells pattern with colors inspired by "Cat in the Hat".  I'll add a picture next week (hopefully done!)

Picture From the Camera
None this week.




  1. Morning Colletta :) Oh, we had to turn our AC on as well last week and I'm already kicking myself for it, but it's been quite hot here and unbearable especially in the afternoons.

    Have a blessed week :)

  2. Wisdom teeth! both of my kids had theirs taken out awhile back. It's a few hard days to get through.
    Have a great week

  3. Our a/c window units will be going in soon... kinda glad I didn't urge the hubs to get them in this weekend after all... today was darn right cold... Have a great Monday and week!

  4. June will be busy for me and July even more so. August will be quiet. My weekly update

  5. I hope you enjoy your holiday weekend

    Have a great reading week

  6. Ha! Chrisley knows best is hilarious! All of them! Including the aged Nana. It was in the 90's last week here, this morning another 8" of snow. Oy vey! LeeAnna

  7. Oh I so hope you're right that June will be a slower month! I have no idea where May went. Love your inspiration! Have a wonderful week and holiday weekend.

  8. Your book sounds really interesting! I hope you'll share how you like it. And I can't wait to see a Cat in the Hat inspired blanket. Hope you are having a great week so far.


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