
Monday, May 13, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 5/13/19

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.
I've taken a bit of a blogging break, again.  This time I've been busy working on items to put into my re-opened Etsy shop :  Colletta's Kitchen Sink .  I hope you'll come stop by and see some of my new items!
The weather outside is::::

This weekend was a bit rainy but we did manage to get a Softball game in on Saturday afternoon.  Laken's team lost by 1 run :(  Bummer...

On my breakfast plate:


As I look around the house::::

It is in pretty good shape inside and the outside is coming together nicely this Spring.  The lilacs are blooming and the azaleas are budding.  It smells glorious outside :)

On today's to do list::::

Menu/Grocery List
Softball Game

Happening this week::::
Monday.... Devotions, exercise, menu/grocery list, Cheer Practice, Softball Game.
Tuesday...  Devotions, Groceries, exercise, Schedule, Ladies Meeting
Wednesday... Devotions, exercise, Laundry, Floors, Cheer Practice, Softball Game
Thursday... Devotions, Exercise, Budget, Kaylee's Wisdom Teeth out.
Friday...  Devotions, Exercise, Softball Game
Saturday...  Devotions, Exercise, Laundry,
Sunday...  Church, Devotions, Exercise

Currently reading::::
I haven't been reading much of anything lately.  I've been so busy crocheting and watching ball games!

 On the TV::::

The Kid Who Would Be King
Mary Queen of Scots

Pirates Baseball

Listening to:

Sirius XM The Message
Sirius XM The Highway

On the menu this week::::

Monday - Pork chops, Mashed Potates
Tuesday - Ladies Meeting Potluck
Wednesday - Spaghetti, Garlic Bread
Thursday - Leftovers
Friday -  Chicken, Stuffing
Saturday - Pizza
Sunday - Dinner at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::
This is the latest addition to my etsy shop.  It is a "Beautiful Shells" pattern in white, purple and dusty gray.  This pattern works up quickly and beautifully.  Click HERE or the picture to check out my listing.


Picture From the Camera
Laken had her Spring Band Concert Thursday evening.  She looked gorgeous!



  1. Beautiful shell blanket :)

    Hope you have a blessed week.

  2. I love your quote so much, and OH my at that afgan! I LOVE it!!!! I hope you have a wonderful crafty week!!!

  3. The colors in the shell blanket are so pretty. Sounds as if you've been super busy, this time of year always seems to be doesn't it? Hope you have a wonderful week!

  4. Oh my goodness what did you think of Mary Queen of Scotts? We watched it and I have mixed feelings... Your shell balnket is beautiful!I will have to check out your etsy shop! Your quote was what I needed today thank you for sharing! I hope you have a blessed week!

  5. Beautiful picture of Laken. I will go see your Etsy shop right away. Have a great week

  6. What a beautiful afghan! Have a great Monday!

  7. I'm running a bit behind this week, Colletta! You've got some cute items in your shop! I especially like the light yellow dishcloths and what a beautiful afghan (the purple, white, and gray)! Your menus look good and I enjoy this week's quote! Blessings! <3


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