
Friday, March 1, 2019

First Lines Friday and 56 ~ 3/1/19

Today's "First Lines" and "56" are from:

"Hold on!"  you might say in response to this book's title.  "Why would any Christian woman in her right mind want to stop being nice?"


 Page 56

"Yeah, it can be tough, but I'm glad I'm a girl."
Also linking up to:


  1. Great title. I hope you are enjoying the book. This week I am reading Cast in Oblivion by Michelle Sagara. Happy reading!

  2. I have heard of this book, but I have never read it.

  3. Great snippets!! Happy weekend!

  4. Happy Friday!

    I've shared the first line from The Deceived by Kelly Harrel over on my blog. But, I am currently reading Of Fire and Lions by Mesu Andrews. OH. MY. WORD! Is this book AMAZING!!!! I'm just starting chapter 12, so I will leave the first line from there.

    "Babylon's coolest months were warmer than Jerusalem's winter, and my small world of friendships was warmer still."

    Hope you have a great weekend. Happy reading! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ“š

  5. Happy Friday & Happy Weekend! My first line is from "The Curse of Misty Wayfair" by Jaime Jo Wright:

    "Melancholy was a condition of the spirit and the soul, but also of the mind."

  6. That title definitely makes me want to pick it up. :D

    Lauren @ Always Me

  7. I read that book years ago and it was SO GOOD!

    My first line comes from Catching the Wind by Melanie Dobson:

    "Maple leaves draped over the tree house window, the silvery fronds linked together like rings of chain mail to protect the boy and girl playing inside."

    Happy Reading!

  8. Looks like an interesting read!
    On my blog this week I shared the first line from Uninvited by Beckie Lindsay but I'm currently reading Vivir el Dream by Allison K Garcia (Yes, it's written in *mostly* English but anything in Spanish shares the translation). I'll share the first line from my current chapter (6) here: "Linda grumbled as she changed from her pajamas into jeans and a t-shirt." Hope you have a great weekend with plenty of quality reading time! :)


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