
Thursday, February 14, 2019

Thankful Thursday ~ 2/14/19

~Happy Valentine's Day!  I mentioned in yesterday's Wednesday Medley that the hubby and I already had our Valentine's date this past Saturday.  Nobody was going to be home with Laken so we let her tag along.  The question I posed yesterday:  "Does the hubby still owe me a one-on-one Valentine Date?"  :)

~Save the Date!  We received a "Save the Date" card from my cousin and his fiancé.  Brian and Rachel will be getting married on September 7th at our Church.  Brian was born when I was 15 years old and was my little baby.  I toted him around everywhere.  He holds a special place in my heart and Rachel is such a sweet girl.  I can't wait to attend the wedding :)

~Softball sign-ups!  Laken decided that she wants to play softball.  She had played t-ball when she was just a little bitty but didn't really enjoy playing with the boys!  lol  Now she is older and has made lots of new friends in her new school who are playing (girls only) softball this year.  We signed her up and now her daddy is excitedly looking at spikes and bats and gloves.  It gives us all something to look forward to after this nasty winter :)

~College acceptance letter!  Kaylee received her college acceptance letter in the mail a few days ago with tons of information about what she needs to do before actually starting classes.  I think she is getting excited about getting back into school mode :)

~The Book Fair!  Laken's school had a Book Fair and as you know I'm a book lover.  Family night was Tuesdsay.  The hubby and I have made it a tradition to go with the girls to their Book Fairs and monitor what they buy and therefore read.  This time Laken got the book "A Dog's Way Home" and a book about the actual dog that plays in the movie.  I love Book Fairs :)

What are you thankful for today?



  1. Have fun at the book fair and Happy Valentines Day!

  2. Softball sign ups... a true sign spring is coming!!!

  3. Reading about there being 15 years between you and your cousin Brian made me think about my youngest brother. There are 13 years between us. :)

    Congratulations to Kaylee on receiving her college acceptance letter!

  4. I'm 15 yrs older than my youngest sister so it was fun to read about your cousin! And NO!! Your hubby doesn't owe you a chose to bring a teen along with you????!!! Hahahaha i showed this to my husband and he is cracking up. But how nice for Laken!

    Congrats on your oldest for getting into college...which one?

    Enjoy the weekend!

  5. I think you and hubby still need a date night with noone tagging along. Congratulations to your oldest on the college acceptance and good luck with the softball. Always nice to have a wedding to look forward to.

  6. I loved book fairs when my boys were in school. We always do a special family meal for Valentine's Day. How fun to look forward to your cousin's wedding and softball! Congratulations to Kaylee - exciting!

  7. Baseball sign ups! I need to ask my daughter if my grandson wants to play again this year. I'm pretty sure he will. I'm glad Laken has found a team to play on.
    Congratulations to your cousin! You're almost his big sister, so it will be a fun time.
    Congrats too to Kaylee!

  8. I miss those school days book fairs! They were so fun. Congrats on your daughter being accepted to college. Exciting times for her!

  9. Hopping here from Friday at the Firestation Link-up.
    Blessings to you and yours!

  10. Sounds like you've got a lot of fun stuff going on! My daughter's school is having a book fair next week, and she is so excited. It will be her first one (4 years old). :) Thanks for sharing at Sweet Inspiration!


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