
Thursday, January 3, 2019

Thankful Thursday ~ 1/3/19

~"singing"  The kids went back to school today!  I love having them home but by the end of break, I'm ready for some normalcy.  Laken and Dex weren't thrilled with getting put early (neither was I) but it had to be done :)

~The hubby went back to work yesterday.  I was off almost 2 weeks and we got so much accomplished!  He built two closets in our bedroom, one for each of us, and rearranged the Family Room.  We organized bins and dressers and I love it!  The Family Room seems so much bigger with the way we have the couches/chair situated :)

~We spent New Year's Eve at home playing games and watching movies.  We were supposed to go to my brother's house for shrimp but he got sick :(  So, Plan B came about.  I ended up taking a nap at 9pm and then getting back up at 11:30pm to finish out the year.  The hubby set off fireworks and we watched the ball drop before heading back to bed.  Oh, and I got my New Year's kiss :)

~New Year's Day was pretty laid back.  We slept in, of course!  Then we went just up the road to my aunt and uncle's house for lunch.  We had the traditional pork and sauerkraut to start the new year off right :)  After that we came back home and hung out.  The hubby and girls played PlayStation and I started reading my First Book of 2019.

~Finally, I'm so excited to once again endeavor to read the Bible from beginning to end this year.  I'll be reading The One Year Chronological Bible in the New Living Translation along with Wendy Pope and the other Read Thru the Word participants.  You can read more about this program at .  I hope to stay on track this year :)

What are you thankful for today?



  1. I am thankful that my husband took some time off over the holidays. I am thankful for good health and that my kids are still close although they all have lives of their own.

  2. We've had a good holiday season too. I got my decorations put away yesterday so that's making me feel lots better today! Happy new year!

  3. We also had time off over the holidays. Always nice to have a break and catch up on life. Thanks for linking up today.

  4. Lovely selection of blessings in your post and you can sense how you appreciate what you have. I must read more this year. I am envious of your New Year kiss - my OH stormed off before midnight in a huff! I love how the festive season gives time for the family to all join in the organising rather than it just being on mum. I home educate so I totally get your love of me time after the holidays!!! #R2BC

  5. That sounds like a lovely laid back new year! Fun and games with family is the best way.

  6. My thankful post is posted too! You guys got some major things done!! Closets and rearranging your family room! I know it must feel great! So many blessings!

  7. Sounds like a great break...pork and sauerkraut reminds me of my grandparent's house!

  8. I love you all got back up for New Years. & got that kiss in - so cute!
    & love you got so much done during your break. Always nice to sneak in that time off work & get things done - but always good to get the kids back to school :)

  9. A lovely post with some nice laid-back happy new year's eve memories and a great goal for 2019! I always hated that we went back to school on Jan 2...because that's my birthday. Kind've ruined the day for me as a kid. :-)

  10. Great reasons, sounds like a lovely NYE for you despite the change of plans, and you can't beat a bit of delcuttering and reorganising!

  11. Sounds like you achieved a lot during the break and I can understand being glad when the kids go back to school. Happy New Year.

  12. Yay for getting lots done! We had a pretty low-key NYE at home with the family, too. Happy 2019!

  13. Sometimes, it's little accomplishments that are the best kind!

  14. I am doing the Chronological Bible in NIV again this year. My third time in four years. I didn't read it last year and really missed it.
    Your New Year's Eve sounds like what ours was. (except we didn't do fireworks)
    My grandkids are back in school and really, the normal routine is best.
    Happy New Year!

  15. Wow,you did get a lot done with your time off. That's pretty good considering it's such a busy holiday time. Fun that you have a traditional dish for new Years.


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