
Thursday, January 24, 2019

Thankful Thursday ~ 1/24/19

~I promised a picture of my painting from Kaylee!  I asked for beach and blues.  She delivered.  It is now hanging in my bedroom where I can see it when I wake up in the morning :)

~I'm ahead on my Goodreads Challenge!  By 1 book...but hey!  I'll take it :)  Only 49 left to go this year :)

~Kona was playing hard-to-get in the picture department!  I wanted an updated picture of her but all I kept getting was either her eyeball or her butt!  When I got this one, I figured it was all good :)

~Blueberry muffins!  A king lady from Church gave us a bunch of frozen blueberries.  What do you make with blueberries?  Muffins!  They were delicious :)

~The temperature hit 42F!  That might not seem very warm but after the 0F temps we had just 2 days ago it feels quite balmy!  I would have went outside for a walk but the ice is still everywhere.  Come on, sun.  Melt it away :)

What are you thankful for today?



  1. I am thankful that I am in a warm home with people that I know love me. I am thankful for the mercy that Christ shows us each and every day. I am thankful for my children and grand doll.

  2. Hello, love the painting. It looks like Diamondhead in Hawaii, beautiful scene! Cute shot of Kona. I trying to go gluten free to see if I feel better, so no muffins for me. Happy Thursday, have a happy day!

  3. Isnt that funny when the 40's feels warm??? Perspective is everything.
    Love that painting. Things made by the hands of someone is just always so special

  4. Kona is adorable and what a beautiful painting!

  5. The painting is beautiful! How special! Have a great weekend!

  6. I like to eat the frozen berries as a snack. I like them in pancakes also

  7. Frozen blueberries in yogurt is a favorite. I like that painting. She is talented! Thanks for linking up and have a great weekend.

  8. Kaylee did such a lovely job with the painting and how nice that it is hung where you can see it every morning. I understand how you felt about 42F temps. We had -13F the first of the week and Wednesday it hit almost 60!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. Your daughter did a nice job with the painting! And how meaningful to have something like that from one of your children. Blueberry muffins...mmmm! 42 degrees sounds lovely!

  10. Great picture and yes muffins sound like a great idea!

  11. Love the colors in the beach painting!
    Blueberries are one of my favorite fruits. I'll eat them most any way. Scones?
    Muffins? Cereal topping? Yes!
    Enjoy your warmer weather :)

  12. Great painting! What a special gift from your girl to have hanging in your room. The pic of the pup made me smile.


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