
Thursday, January 17, 2019

Thankful Thursday ~ 1/17/19

~I'm not feeling very well today and am not feeling very thankful :(  My fibromyalgia is flaring and I'm sore.  However, I "am" feeling so for that I can be thankful!

~One of the reasons I'm not feeling very well is that I exercised yesterday and I'm feeling it today!  I'm glad that I was feeling well enough to walk 1 mile with my Leslie Sansone DVD :)  It felt good at the time.  HAHA

~Kaylee finished my painting!  It is a beach scene with my very favorite teals and blues and aquas.  I'll get a picture posted soon.  She did such a good job on it.  I love it!

~The hubby and I help with the Church Youth Group and we're planning a bowling night!  I haven't been bowling in years but am excited about going.  Right now we're in the "gathering info" stage but I'll be sure to let you know when we go :)

~As I've mentioned before, Kaylee has her driver's permit and we've been practicing her driving skills.   (Hard to do in the middle of winter!)  Last Friday, I had to go to Wal-mart which is about 30 minutes away to pick up a few things and Kaylee drove me there.  This was a big deal because she had to drive though "city-ish" traffic.  Her first time ever!  I was more than a little bit nervous but she handled herself and the car well.  I was so proud :)

What are you thankful for today?



  1. Keep on pushing yourself even when you don't feel like it. My daughter has a chronic illness and I certainly understand the days that she must get up and do even though she doesn't feel like it.

  2. The painting sounds lovely and something I would love on my wall. Love anything to do with the sea or the beach. Take care of yourself and have a great week ahead #R2bC

  3. Hang in there - I hope things turn around! Wow - teaching driving in the winter must be least she will be prepared for any weather!

  4. I do hope your symptoms ease up. Having a new driver in the house is nerve wracking, I know! Thanks for linking up today.

  5. Fun fun fun - I love youth events.
    Leslie Sansone - she's just adorable. I always love her 'mile' walks.
    Hoping you're feeling better tomorrow!

  6. Hello, I hope you feel better soon. The painting sounds lovely and the colors sound like all my favorites. Good luck to Kaylee and her driving lessons. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and the weekend ahead.

  7. I remember being nervous when each of mine started driving for the first times. Glad she made it through ok! I'm sorry you're not feeling well. Hope you feel better soon! I need to get back to some kind of fitness program.

  8. I hope you're soon feeling better. Sometimes we push ourselves too hard and then we pay the price. I'm thankful that I never had to teach any of my kids to drive - they all took lessons. I'm not sure it would have been wise given where we live! (London)

  9. I am sorry that you are having a flare with the fibro. I understand that one completely because I also have fibromyalgia. :)

    Yay for Kaylee doing well in driving in "city-ish" traffic to get you to Walmart! That is great!

    Feel better soon!

  10. Oh how awful fibro sounds. I do know when i had Lyme disease and one doc thought it was fibro that he recommended yoga or Pilates plus some hand weights, something about how exercise actually keeps fibro symptoms away. ?? Good luck with the work outs and keep them up!!

    The painting sounds so pretty!

    I loved tim when my girls learned to drive. Tomorrow, yes hopefully before the first big blizzard of the year arrives, our youngest has to drive back to University of New Hampshire, I'm praying she leaves early enough to avoid the snow md wind!

  11. Teals, blues and aqua would be my choice too. I look forward to seeing a picture of it here.

  12. Must be so hard when our body can't do what you want x Some lovely reasons

  13. Sorry to hear your not feeling well but don't be discouraged. Usually exercise does make things better in the long run. Teals are one of my favorite color schemes also. So soothing. I admire anyone who works with youth groups! Bless you and your husband as you pour into those young people. I haven't been bowling in years but always enjoy it when I go.

  14. I'm sorry you are not feeling well. I hope you feel better soon.
    Looking forward to seeing that new painting!


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