
Saturday, December 29, 2018

Weekly Weigh In ~ 12/29/18

My goal for the past couple weeks was to maintain.  I'm fairly pleased that I only gained a smidge over Christmas.

My plan for 2019:

My plan for 2019 is to lose 50 lbs.  1 lb. per week.  That's what I'm striving for!

I'm going to be using to track my food and exercise.  It is very much like WW online but FREE!

Food:  My plan is to cut out snacking and junk food and only eat at meal times and have the occasional cheese stick for snack.

Exercise:  I'd like to try to get at least 4 workouts in using the Leslie Sansone walking DVD collection that I've added to over the years.  I'll start out "walking" 2 miles which takes approximately 25-30 minutes.

On to the WEIGH-IN:

Highest Weight Ever ~ 297.0

12/28/18   ~  282.8

Total:  -  14.2

How was your week?  What are your fitness goals for 2019?


1 comment:

  1. I don't set goals but do want to drop 20 lbs. by May. Gonna give it a go using low carb. It works for me!! Good luck to you!


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