
Saturday, December 1, 2018

Weekly Weigh-In ~ 12/1/18

I did decidedly better this week on the eating front.  I drank my Slim Fast shakes for breakfast and lunch about 75% of the time.  I tried to work on my portion control at supper and limit my snacking.  Snacking is still something I need work on but I'm trying to keep it to cheese and crackers.

As for exercise, I've been trying to rest my heel and the Plantar Fasciitis is ever so slowly easing up.  Today I want to try to ease back into some exercise.  I'll probably try to do 1 mile with a Leslie Sansone DVD but if it hurts, I'll back off.

I'm still drinking plenty of water and haven't had a single drop of pop this week.  I like the fact that I'm not dependent upon caffeine to wake up and get through the day.  I actually find myself craving water now!

On to the WEIGH-IN:

Highest Weight Ever ~ 297.0

11/30/18   ~  279.4

Total:  -  17.6

Exercise Last Week

See Above

How was your week?


1 comment:

  1. I have never been much of a pop drinker but I like my decaf coffee and I can't imagine my day without sweet tea! I hope your heel is feeling better soon.


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