
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Wednesday Medley ~ 12/12/18

Come join Terri @ Your Friend From Florida every Wednesday.

1.  National Ding-a-Ling Day is observed across the United States each year on December 12.  Ding-a-Lings on this day call the people they haven’t heard from in a while.  It may be an old classmate, co-worker or neighbor from years ago.  Or perhaps a call will go out to the child who used to mow the grass during the summer.  How about that couple who carpooled for soccer. There are all sorts of people in our lives who manage to slip out of our lives who would love to hear the ding-a-ling of a call from you or me.  So tell us who you want to call today!

I've never heard of National Ding-a-Ling Day!  What a wonderful idea!  I would want to call my best friend from high school, Erica.  We exchange birthday cards and Christmas cards but NEVER get to talk to each other and I don't know why...  Life just gets in the way, I guess.

2.  Each year on the 12th day of December, people across the United States recognize National Poinsettia Day.  I am including this "National Day" too because my neighbor's poinsettia from last year is blooming beside their house!!  Have you ever tried to plant a poinsettia outside?

I live in Pennsylvania and have never even known that you can plant a poinsettia outside!  I assume it would be way too cold here in PA.

3.  Do you believe in Bigfoot?  What size shoe do you wear and do you have trouble shoe shopping?

I do not believe in Bigfoot :)  lol  At least, I don't think I do!  lol  I wear a pretty average shoe size of 8 so I have a fairly easy time shopping for shoes.  My Mom, however, wears a size 5 and has a terrible time finding shoes at the store.  She ends up having to order hers online.

4.  What is one thing you refuse to share?

I refuse to share my Reese Cups!

5.  Are you finding that this Christmas is stressful? More or less than last year?  

I'm finding this Christmas to be pretty stress-free so far.  All our shopping is done and most of the presents are wrapped and ready to be given.  Last year, we were finishing up our addition to the house so it was pretty stressful.  I'm glad to be settled in this year!

6.  Tell us something random about your week so far!

We put our Christmas tree up last night!



  1. Congrats on getting Christmas prep done and for getting your tree up! You don't believe in Bigfoot, what?!?! HA HA! I guess I just enjoy the possibility that there are many things out there that we do not know about. Have a great Christmas!

  2. I feel like I put my tree up so early that some of the excitement is gone.

  3. Things sound nice and peaceful at your place. I enjoyed your medley. Hope the rest of the week is merry and bright!
    ellen b. at

  4. Yay about getting your tree up! It adds so much to the house. I loved your answers. Have a nice week.


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