
Thursday, December 6, 2018

Thankful Thursday ~ 12/6/18

~It is DECEMBER!!!  We're all excited about turning the calendar to December and all things holiday.  We have lots of activities coming up so stay tuned!

~The hubby gave me my Christmas present already!  It is a new PC!  My laptop was slowly dying so he bought me a new desktop PC and I'm loving it.  I very rarely moved my laptop from my desk anyway, so we decided a desktop would work perfectly and the price was unbeatable. :)

~We've finished all our Christmas shopping!  Doug and I made a quick shopping trip to finish up the little bit of presents we still needed to buy.  I feel so accomplished and actually a bit relieved that we can now sit back and enjoy the Season.  I am making one present and am well on my way to finishing it up.  Bring on Christmas :)

~The hubby has been on vacation this week.  He picked this week as it is Hunting Season here in Pennsylvania.  He so rarely has time to do things for him so I'm glad he's getting to do something he enjoys.  Along with hunting, he's been watching a great deal of Hallmark movies :)

~I had my first Christmas Party of the year on Tuesday evening!  Our Church Ladies Group usually has a potluck dinner once a month except in December we go out to eat so no one has to cook!  We also do a Christmas exchange.  My Mom actually drew my name this year and got me a whole bunch of Bath & Body Works lotions and body washes in Sweet Pea, one of my favorite scents :)

What are you thankful for today?


  1. How nice to have a new computer to play with! Sounds like you're having a good week...hubby too! Holiday hugs!

  2. A new PC is a great gift! My hubs takes vacation days for hunting as well. Thanks for linking up today!


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