
Thursday, December 13, 2018

Thankful Thursday ~ 12/13/18

~We went to a new-to-us Christmas Tree Farm on Saturday.  We had a great time!  There was a gift shop by the parking lot but to get to the trees we got to take a wagon ride up on the hill.  There were rows and rows and hills and hills of Christmas trees to pick from.  To make it even more festive, the temperature was only around 25F.  But...there were blankets on the wagon to snuggle under :)

~The girls got some Blue-Raspberry Kettle Corn at the Christmas Tree Farm.  It was yummy :)  Luckily, they got two bags of it so we could all share :)

~As if we hadn't been out in the cold enough Saturday, that evening was our little town's Christmas parade.  Kaylee is in the Community Band so we stood outside and waited and waited and waited for the parade.  Finally, it started and we got to see the band and the Santa float.  But it was freezing!!!!

~Later that night while trying to get warmed up, the hubby and I watched my very favorite Christmas movie, "White Christmas"!  After I warmed up a bit I decided to work on the Christmas gift I'm making while we finished the movie.  It was a wonderful day :)

~I finally had a day where I was able to check off all 5 items on my "5 to Thrive" checklist!  I actually got a workout in and was able to mark that off the list :)

What are you thankful for today?


  1. Great list! I love that the wagon ride had blankets for you to snuggle...perfection! Hugs

  2. I have had live trees before, but never went to collect it myself. Sounds like a fun time. Thanks for linking up today.

  3. Fun was had by all it seems. The flavored popcorn sounds good

  4. Ahhh - winter / christmas parades are meant to be cold, right? :)

  5. What a fun day! One place where we used to live had a Christmas tree farm nearby, and it was so fun to cut our own. Sounds like yours has really expanded the experience. We usually watch White Christmas at some point, too.

  6. How fun to be able to go and choose your own tree. I'm glad you enjoyed the parade despite being cold and got your 5 to Thrive checklist completed. Enjoy the weekend.

  7. that sounds like a fun day with your family. But blue raspberry popcorn???!!! hahaha I think i'll stick to my sea salt kind. Glad you tried it! you're brave!

    How nice that your daughter is in the parade!

    Wonderful list of FFFs!!!

  8. That's a fun way to choose a tree. Along with the parade and the movie it sounds like a wonderful wintery, Christmasy day.


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