
Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Book Review ~ Gabriel's Atonement by Vickie McDonough ~ 12/11/18


 All Gabe Coulter ever wanted was to live a comfortable life as a successful gambler, but a confrontation with a disgruntled cowboy who’d just lost to Gabe leads to a family man dying in his arms. Even though it was self-defense, the only way Gabe knows to get rid of his guilt is to return the money he won to the man’s wife.

Lara Talbot sees Gabe as a derelict like her husband and wants nothing to do with him. But as she struggles to provide for her family and makes plans to claim property in the upcoming Oklahoma land rush, she wonders if God might have sent the meddling gambler to help.

My Thoughts:
As the first book in the Land Rush Dreams series, this book was just OK for me.

It was rather slow-moving and dry.  The author kept introducing new characters and it got a bit confusing keeping them all straight especially when I wanted to be reading about the main characters.

I really liked the idea of a gambler who changes his ways because of a death-bed promise he made to his mother.  Gabe was a likable character despite his profession.

I wanted to like Lara's character but she just fell flat for me.

I have book three of the series on my shelf but I might just gift it to a reader friend of mine along with this one.  Hopefully, she'll enjoy it more than I did.

Sorry for the bummer review, but I had to be honest :(


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