
Thursday, November 29, 2018

Thankful Thursday ~ 11/29/18

~It has been a winter wonderland around here lately with snow storms and very below seasonal temperatures.  I decided to break out the wintery "Thankful Thursday" graphic I found when I searched google.   :)

~Thanksgiving was last Thursday and we had a wonderful time with family.  My mom and I cooked (mostly Mom) all morning long with a little bit of help from Laken with the pies.  (She loves to bake!)  The turkey was delicious as were all the side dishes.  The pumpkin pie and Cream Puff Cake were my favorites though :)

~The hubby and I usually go Black Friday shopping every year.  It has become a tradition for just the two of us to have a day together and get the majority of our shopping done.  This year, there really wasn't anything on sale that we HAD to have so we went shopping Wednesday afternoon before the rush.  There was hardly anybody out and about and it was such a relaxing way to shop.  We did go out on Friday afternoon with the girls but only went to Kohl's and Ollie's.  We also have a few items ordered online.  We're almost done with our shopping! :)

~Kaylee went to New York City on a bus trip with my brother and my SIL on Saturday.  I was a little nervous about her going because we were supposed to get some freezing rain and it is about 5-6 hour drive.  Once they got there I was fine.  I trust my brother and SIL completely to take care of my girl and knew they would keep her close.  They met back up with the bus at 10pm and again I was a bit nervous about the traveling.  They ended up getting home around 4am Sunday morning safe and sound :)

~You might have read on my Weekly Weigh In post that I somehow have developed Plantar Fasciitis in my right foot.  It is slowly feeling better as I follow my dr's recommendations.  One of the recommendations is to wear tennis shoes.  I always wear my tennis shoes (FILA's) when I walk for exercise but other than that I'm usually bare footed or wearing my slip on loafers.  It has been a big adjustment for me to have my FILA's on from morning until night.  BUT, I can feel progress so I guess it is worth it :)

What are you thankful for today?


  1. I am always so jealous of people who say, "I'm almost done with shopping" _ I dont live in taht sort of world :) haha - I live in the kinda of world that is more like "panic running around on Christmas Eve" :)

  2. Ugh to the fasciiatis!!! That is the worst...I have gotten it off and on throughout the years....stretch, stretch and stretch some more! Congrats for almost begin done shopping! I have not started! HA

  3. Oh no! so sorry to read about your plantar fasciitis. I got it once, and it felt like walking on broken glass! Yes, by all means, stretch. I found that the running shoes I was wearing were not the right type for me. I switched shoes and haven't had the problem since. Your Black Friday tradition with your hubby sounds like fun!

  4. I had planned a small quiet Christmas with just the two of us, buying some restaurant gift cards to send to relatives in with the Christmas cards. Then yesterday my niece sent a text message saying she wanted a big family Christmas at her house in Alabama! Now I wonder if I could wrap the gift cards in a variety of boxes to put under her tree. The biggest box with the most extra paper and confetti inside would go to my brother!

  5. I'm no where near done shopping so I am amazed by your done-ness! I have the usual, halfway through the list done, but it will probably come down to a last minute scramble as it usually does.
    Sorry to hear you are having problems with plantar fasciitis. I have problems with that, too. Asics and Merrell's (with Q2 soles) work best for me. They don't cure my problem, but I can at least make it through. I found some compression sleeves at Walmart that help, too, for work days as I am on my feet all day at work.

  6. My husband suffered with PF and had a terrible time with it. Glad you are making progress. Thanks for linking up today.

  7. Sounds like a wonderful Thanksgiving! Hope your foot feels better. I wear good shoes for walking or even shopping now! Enjoy your weekend!

  8. Lovely picture into your world. Very good reasons to be thankful and reminds me once again that one year I want to celebrate Thanksgiving - such a great idea for a festival #R2BC #ReasonsToBeCheerful

  9. I'm sorry about the Plantar Fasciitis! Glad it's starting to feel better. I stay barefoot at home - it would be an adjustment for me to wear shoes all day, too. Glad you had a great Thanksgiving and your daughter was safe traveling. We've made a serious dent in our online shopping - not too much more to go.

  10. So sorry to hear you have PF. My chiropractor here in NY says the ONLY way to truly end it is to have ultrasound therapy done on the fascia bone. I did that for 4 sessions and it went completely away and has never come back!! Flat shoes aggravate PF so make sure you wear a bit of low chunky heel and avoid flip flops.

    I'm done with my shopping too although am still waiting for something to come in the mail. We refuse to shop on Black Friday. We tend to shop local or online nOT in malls or big box stores. Ugh!!

    Hopefully you can have a relaxing weekend and glad your daughter had safe travels!!

  11. A lovely insight into American family life on Thanksgiving and leading up to Christmas.

  12. Black Friday is just starting to become a thing here (in Cyprus) but I have very little Christmas shopping to get so ignored it. I'm pretty prepared for Christmas and nice to hear others are too!

  13. I do minimal shopping during the holiday rush. Prefer to do it when I see something I like during the year, I get it then. Less stress is my motto. Happy Holidays and many Blessings in the New Year. By the way, I'm visiting you at Friendship Friday where I posted Eco-Friendly Moves to Green the Holidays. Enjoy!

  14. Yikes! PF is so painful (according to my friend) but I am glad you seem to have found a helpful solution.
    Driving in snow and ice is stressful for everyone! Sigh of relief: everyone is home safe!
    Have a great weekend!


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