
Friday, November 23, 2018

First Lines Friday and 56 ~ 11/23/18

Today's "First Lines" and "56" are from:


Hertfordshire, England, 1800
It is never a happy day when an eight-year-old girl's cheesecake lands in the dirt, and she certainly doesn't take kindly to the laughing little boy who put it there.
Page 56

She savored the expanse of grass where she and her siblings had played, the lake she'd learned to swim in, and the stunning collections of shrubs and statuary her mother had labored over the placement of.  If she were successful in finding a husband this year, the view would become an occasional pleasure instead of a daily comfort.

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  1. A Noble Masquerade sounds interesting. I like the beginning and the 56.

  2. Happy Friday!
    On my blog this week I'm sharing the first line from The Mayflower Bride by Kimberley Woodhouse but I'm currently reading the Amish Midwife's secret by Rachel J Good so I'll share the line from my current chapter (10) here: "By the time Leah arrived at the Groffs', Sharon had already completed the checkup." Hope you have a wonderful weekend with plenty of quality reading time!

  3. Sounds like a wonderful and vivid read!!! Hapy Thanksgiving weekend!

  4. Happy Friday and Happy Weekend! My first line (and 3rd line because I love this line) is from “Reaching Her Heart” by Kimberly Rae Jordan:

    “Tristan Callaghan moved to the side of the long hallway to let a young couple pass, giving them a smile and a nod before continuing on… What on earth had possessed him to agree to teach Sunday School to seven and eight-year-old boys?”

  5. I loved A Noble Masquerade! I hope you enjoy it.

    I'm sharing the first line from Ashmore by Angela Curtis on my blog today. It's her debut novel, and it's based on the real-life journey her ancestors took when emigrating from England to New Zealand. It makes me thankful for our modern world where we have cleaner and faster methods of transport!

    "One half-witted decision changed Lillie Curtis' life forever. Unfortunately, that decision had not been her own."

  6. This book sounds like it could be quite emotional. I know I would be sad if a little boy put my cheesecake in the sand. I love cheesecake :)

    Thank you for stopping by today.

  7. Oh sounds good. The first thing I thought was - Hertfordshire -- not far from me!

    Here is my post for today.

  8. I'm starting to read more books set in this time period. It would probably be something I would listen to on audiobook. MK French is featuring a Christmasy romance today at Girl Who Reads

  9. I have a feeling that little boy might be eating the cheesecake, dirt and all. LOL This sounds like a wonderful story. Gorgeous cover too.

    My TT from Oh, Holy Fright

  10. Ooh I like the first line and pg 56 quotes. Very interesting.


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