
Saturday, October 20, 2018

Weekly Weigh In ~ 10/20/18

On to this week's weigh in!

Here are some stats:

Starting Weight on 9/10/18 ~ 276.6 lbs
9/17/18 ~ No Weigh-In
9/21/18 ~  281.6        Total:  +5.0        Needed:  -1.0
9/28/18 ~  280.2        Total:    -1.4        Needed:   -1.0
10/5/18 ~ 278.4         Total:   -1.8         Needed:  -1.0
10/12/18~ 277.2        Total:   -1.2         Needed:  -1.0
10/19/18~277.8         Total:   +0.6          Needed:  -1.0

Total:                                    +   1.2                      -5.0

Total Needed to be on track:  -5.8

Exercise Last Week

Friday ~ 30 minutes
Saturday ~  30 minutes
Sunday ~  30 minutes
Monday ~ 15 minutes
Tuesday ~30 minutes
Wednesday ~  20 minutes
Thursday ~  30 minutes


I haven't had a bit of junk food this week!!!  AND I'm off all diet pop (soda:)

I'm doing the slim fast diet about half the time.  Other times, I just try to eat a healthy meal.

How was your week?


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