
Saturday, October 13, 2018

Weekly Weigh In ~ 10/13/18

Well, I've decided to go back to posting my weekly weigh-ins here on Colletta's Kitchen Sink.  Managing two blogs was just a pain in the patooty.

I'm still doing the #Last90days Challenge that you can read more about HERE.  It is basically a challenge to live the last 90 days of 2018 like you would the first month of the year with resolutions going full force.  It actually is more about changing your habits than resolutions though.  Again, go to the post above to read more details.

I've added a column to my daily planner with the numbers 1-5 so that I can mark off each day that I complete one of the 5 to Thrive points.  I love when I get to mark all 5 points off!

(Just to let you know:  I'll be doing my actual weigh in on Friday mornings and then posting the results here on Saturday.  That gives me a bit of time to write the post.)

On to this week's weigh in!

Here are some stats:

Starting Weight on 9/10/18 ~ 276.6 lbs
9/17/18 ~ No Weigh-In
9/21/18 ~  281.6        Total:  +5.0        Needed:  -1.0
9/28/18 ~  280.2        Total:    -1.4        Needed:   -1.0
10/5/18 ~ 278.4         Total:   -1.8         Needed:  -1.0
10/12/18~ 277.2        Total:   -1.2         Needed:  -1.0

Total:                                    +0.6                          -4.0

Total Needed to be on track:  -4.6

Exercise Last Week

Friday ~ 30 minutes
Saturday ~  30 minutes
Sunday ~  30 minutes
Monday ~ 30 minutes
Tuesday ~30 minutes
Wednesday ~
Thursday ~ 


The #Last90days Challenge has been so good for me and my diet!  The food that I gave up was junk food and I have been killing it since starting the challenge on October 1st.  I think I only caved one day and had a small cupcake.  Even that cupcake made me realize that it wasn't worth not being able to put that check mark next to #4 on the 5 to Thrive for that day.

How was your week?


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