
Tuesday, October 9, 2018

The Menu ~ 10/9/18

For the Week of 10/9/18-10/15/18

Tuesday:            Meatloaf, Buttered Potatoes, Green Beans, Peaches

Wednesday:       Chinese, Rice, Broccoli, Oranges

Thursday:         Pork Chops, Mashed Potatoes, Corn, Cole Slaw, Cherry Pizza

Friday:               Fish, Buttered Noodles, Carrots, Peaches

Saturday:           Eating at the Fall Foliage Festival

Sunday:              Church Pot Luck

Image result for pot luck

Monday:            Ravioli, Garlic Bread, Peas, Apples

What are you eating this week?



  1. I love that your week is planned out. I was doing that often and then for some reason I stopped. Our schedule is so hectic that it is hard to get dinner on the table these days. Tonight's menu is ham,stuffing, green beans and possibly rolls.

    1. It makes it so much easier to plan ahead, get the groceries and then I don't have to think about what to cook each evening. I just look at the menu and go :)


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