
Thursday, October 18, 2018

Thankful Thursday ~ 10/18/18

~Last Satuday was a family day for us!  We made the trek to Altoona and shopped.  Our first stop was Hobby Lobby.  How fun!  At least for me :)  We then had lunch at Red Robin.  Yummmm!

~I picked out my new calendar for 2019!  This year I had flowers so I decided to go back to tried and true "Beaches".  I love looking at pictures of beaches and imagining I'm there, especially in those cold, snowy winter months :)

~I was also looking for some nonfiction books to help me get out of my reading slump!  Ollies is my go-to store for getting great books cheap.  I got all 5 books for only $20!  Here's what I picked up:)

~I got a new PenPal!!!!  I'm so excited, you guys!  A group of us in the #madeformore facebook group decided to do a penpal exchange.  The fantastic lady who spear headed it all sent us our penpal information yesterday!  I've already exchanged emails with my new friend who lives in Manitoba, Canada.  I'm so excited!  Did I already say that  :)

~I finally got a copy of Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis!  I had ordered it from but it was backordered until the 26th.  Luckily I just happened to see at a Wal-Mart near me and snagged it up and canceled my order.  I started reading it last night but just got too tired to get past chapter 2.  I'm off today (doing laundry) and look forward to getting to dig in :)

What are you thankful for today?


  1. I cant wait to see what you think of Girl Wash Your face... I have been really vocal about my opinion on it lately :) haha
    I love a good book bargain!

  2. Book bargains are great and I love that calendar! Love the thought of a penpal. Thanks for joining in

  3. I love finding books at a good price too! And your calendar is nice. It's fun to have a penpal too. If you would like a postcard from me and give me your address and I'll send you one! I love doing that! Hugs!

  4. I LOVE finding a good book at a bargain price. Interested to hear what you think about "Girl Wash Your Face". Thanks for linking up today!

  5. I love Hobby Lobby! And Red Robin-especially the onion ring tower :)

  6. 2019 calendar already! You are organized. I can see how looking at tropical beaches would be a good thing during the cold winter months - I might do the same.

  7. I love that calendar. I may have to find one like it for my office.


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