
Thursday, October 11, 2018

Thankful Thursday ~ 10/11/18

~Have you heard of the #last90days Challenge going on at and #madeformore on facebook?  If you haven't, check it out!  It has been an amazing encouragement to me the past 2 weeks.  I'm getting better sleep, working out more, drinking more water, eating less junk and have been more grateful every day.  I'm so glad I stumbled upon it :)

~I got new eye glasses!  Lately contacts have been bothering my eyes so I started wearing my glasses.  However, they were a couple years old and not an up-to-date prescription.  I made the call and got an appointment with my eye dr. and poof, here I sit with a pair of newer, trendier glasses :)

~The family and I went to see "Venom" at the theater on Saturday evening.  I was kinda just going along to spend time with the family and not very excited about the movie choice.  I was greatly and pleasantly surprised that I loved the movie!  It is a Marvel film and every Marvel film has a little piece at the end to keep you hanging.  Well, it did and I can't wait for the next movie!

~We came home Sunday after Church to NO WATER!  We thought we might have to purchase a new well pump which is very expensive.  I was feeling down and then my hubby came into the Family Room to tell me that they hit the pump gauge with a hammer and, voila, we had water again!  Dodged that bullet :)

~I picked out and bought my new planner for 2019!  I spent way too long in the stationary aisle trying to decide which planner to get.  My family just kept coming back to see if I was ready to go yet.  It took me at least 30 minutes to decide!  I am such a stationary geek :) 

What are you thankful for today?


  1. I am thankful that my Florida family is safe from the hurricane that hit. All others are in my prayers. I love planners too and I usually get a cheap one but this year I plan to buy a nice one as I use them often.

  2. I gotta get my planner ordered for 2019 - & FAST!!!!!
    I need new glasses so badly - want to try contacts. Never had them before but I ant even see to put on my makeup now. Sad!

  3. I am also a stationary geek! lol I always have a stash of cards, Christmas cards, etc... LOVE a good planner! Thanks for linking up today and have a GREAT weekend!

  4. Coletta, I have to take a peek at that site you suggested.. my granddaughter is getting married in a month... and grandma is on a diet!! This might help. Thanks.

  5. Glad you didn't need a new well. Have a nice weekend!

  6. So glad that you have water again! Thant would be so very difficult. Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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