
Monday, October 1, 2018

#Last90Days ~ 5 to Thrive

Rachel Hollis has started a Challenge to live the #Last90day of 2018 as you do the first 30 days of the year when all those resolutions are fresh.  The Challenge starts today, October 1st and runs through December 31st.

I've given it much thought and finally decided to join in.

Rachel's "5 to Thrive" are:

Some of these are going to be very difficult, I'll admit it now!

1.  Get up an hour earlier ~ I already get up at 5:30am but then after I get the kids off to school I usually lay back down for a bit.  I'm going to strive to thrive at staying up and spending that extra time on the things I enjoy.

2.  Workout for at least 30 minutes ~ I've been doing pretty good at this already except for on the weekends.  I plan on trying to get those walks in Saturday and Sunday also.

3.  Drink half of your body weight in oz of water ~  WHAT???  lol  I'll probably be peeing my pants but other than my early morning caffeine, my plan is to only drink water.

4.  Give up one food category you know you shouldn't be eating ~  I'm already trying really hard not to snack on junk food.  That will be what I'll strive to give up.

5.  Write down 10 things you're grateful for every single day ~ This one should be easy as long as I take the time to do it.  I guess I'll mark that in for when my naptime would have been :)

I have an extra calendar that I'm going to use to keep a log of how I'm doing during the #Last90Days and blog an update each Monday.

How about you?  Are you going to join in the #Last90Days Challenge?


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